

  • CeeLo Green - **** You
  • I feel the same exact way you do. My thinest time was when I was in Jr. High School. Then massive amounts of stress were coming from all over the place from my parents to my friends. I gained a lot after high school and fell into depression. Recently I have been changing my life a bit at a time. More importantly, I am more…
  • I consider it healthier than being morbidly obese, which is where I am at now. It's only 75lbs more from my total goal of 100lbs by Sept. Extreme maybe, maybe not, but I consider it an achievable goal. Good luck to you on your goals as well. Anything is achievable as long as you have the will and determination.
  • 31 Male PC gamer here. I have been going strong for about a month trying to drop a lot of weight this summer and over the course of the next couple years. It's hard to get started, but easy once you get started.