cityjaneLondon Member


  • Lisa - Good work on the clock! My favourite colours! I think Edie would love to make something like that. Where did you get the instructions? I was amazed Max wanted to have a go at painting yesterday, as it's really not his thing. He was very annoyed that he couldn't get it "right" as he saw it. He said he was going to…
  • Tracey - Thinking of you and your friend ❤️ Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Hallo all! The good news is that I have been given a date for the second hip. 26th July. That's 8 weeks after the first one. That gives me 10 weeks until the October cruise. I will have to have a discussion with the insurance team about coverage for the risk. They may not take it, or charge too much. We will have to pay…
  • The nursing home situation is not good here either, but not quite as exorbitant. Successive governments have talked about a cap on costs, but no one has done anything about it. Machka - What great news! Lovely view. The property sounds ideal. Will you be able to cycle to work? I had a nice time with G. Grilled hake in…
  • They are looking at end July for the second hip. I have suggested 26th. See what they say. Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Beth, Margaret, So sorry for your stress about trying to do your best for other people. Sometimes we ask too much of ourselves. <3 Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • It looks like I've got a date of 31st May for my right hip. :D That would make it touch and go for the October cruise, as the second hip will be done 8 weeks later. 10 weeks recovery might be enough, but I would have to take out extra insurance (12 weeks is standard) and pay the enormous balance for the holiday before the…
  • This is the article in the Hovarian. It came through the door yesterday evening. :D Pleased with it. I sent photos to friends and got some lovely messages back. <3 My old yoga teacher was really sweet. How blessed I am. Feeling some stomach discomfort this morning. It must be all the painkillers I'm taking. Hoping to…
  • Tracey - I am so familiar with that kind of anger, and it keeps me awake at night. :# I sometimes get into a hyper-critical state over John, or someone else. It is corrosive to ones wellbeing. I find one small action can help, like scheduling a drink together outside the house where it's easier to talk. For your daughter,…
  • Linda - Love your description of the outfit! Enjoy yourself! :D I'm not a toucher or hugger. No one has ever tried to touch my hair, thank goodness! I have learned to be a little more open to touch than I used to be, but it's a struggle. As a victim of abuse as a child, it's a complicated subject. Let's say, with the right…
  • To add to Machka's list, here is an article from the bbc today, about the link between brain injury and depression. Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • I started the day, v early, by emailing the sweet physio at the injury clinic, asking if she could change her wording a little in the letter for the insurance. They don't like you to have the condition when you book. I booked this cruise around a year ago! Then, just before breakfast, I emailed Saga, stating that I was…
  • Rita - So glad you have found a physical, easily fixed, cause for your dizziness. I thought for ages that my hip pain was 'something I was doing wrong ' and blamed myself for not walking, standing, exercising, right etc. In the end, it's just physics and chemistry. Hope you recover soonist. <3 Who worked it out first? I've…
  • The lasagne was great. Lovely to all eat together round their table. Edie laid it, with Max 'helping'. The parents managed 84k in the morning. Lots of hills, but nothing like what they will be doing in the Pyrenees! Came home . Cleaner was here. Had a much deserved nap. Now chilling with John and deciding what to eat for…
  • It's been lovely over here with the kids. They are all on fine form. I brought over some very basic art brushes and pens and we all sat down to have a bit of fun. Hope you enjoy them, Lanette! :D Max is on his phone. His voice is breaking. :o First mine, as a birthday card. Then Bea Then Edie Then John Now they are…
  • Margaret and Tracry - I don't mean there shouldn't be a celebration of my life! I should be most offended if I thought people weren't getting together to have a nice dinner and play my music (I have a list, including "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think") show photos, read a bit of my books, and talk about me! I just…
  • Tracey - Glad you had a better night. <3 You can put a yoga mat down almost anywhere. I do snow angels with my arms, so I need a bit more space, but there's a lot that can be done within the mat. Usually when we lose connection with our loved one, it's because we are not talking about how we feel. "I statements", not…
  • Pip - HUGS. I wouldn't worry about all those other people. You just do you, in a way you feel appropriate for you. Let them be who they are. I know families can be hard. You could just get together with one or two of the nice ones and have your own remembering. I'm not even having a service, as I don't believe my mortal…
  • John has gone off to meet his daughter at the railway station. He wasn't feeling tip top. Not sure why. A bit light headed. :* I hope it's nothing. Before he went, I cooked myself a Curry Laksa, with six jumbo prawns. If I say so myself, it was as good as the one I used to have in London. 14 years ago now! I looked up the…
  • Rori - Lovely to hear from you. <3 Yes, I am fortunate, but I wish the medics would get a move on with the letters in support of my cruise insurance claim. That is paying for most of the first hip! Of course, everything stops for a four day Easter, so I'm trying to relax and not get my knickers in a twist. Enjoy your…
  • Rita - I fast forward through the adverts. On Spotify, you can just drag the little line on a bit to get through it. :D I adore all the podcasts I listen to, but often fast forward. Some are worse for adverts than others. I used my new walking stick for the first time today, to get to the pharmacy. It seemed to help,…
  • Machka - I don't know how to answer your question. I would say, on the evidence of your sharing on here, that you feel most connected to Rhody, and your garden. You feel connected to your husband when you are cycling, or organising rallies. I may be completely wrong! :p The beach? The sea? Sometimes I describe it as, "In…
  • Tracey - I too had a better night. :) I used John's little electric heat pad/blanket, and had it mainly on top of my right hip all night. I also had it underneath for a short while, which meant I could change sides, which helped. I don't want to end up with neck and shoulder pains as well, like you. :| I sympathise with…
  • ((((HUGS)))) Rita. I don't know if you ever listen to podcasts, and everyone has their own favourites, but I was thinking of you when I was listening to the latest "Barb knows best", especially the second half. Episode 110. "Hard but powerful truths." As I said in my book, 'The universe supports you - listen to your…
  • Ginny - Office working on Good Friday? !! Even our pharmacy is closed. Most office workers here have a four day holiday. Monday is a Bank Holiday. All supermarkets shut on Easter Sunday here. It's the only day in the year that they are compelled to shut by law, though most shut on Christmas Day. We've decided this…
  • Couldn't resist this photo which was on my Facebook. A red moon behind the two piers. Apparently there are cormorants roosting.. ... Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • So sorry, Pip. <3 I missed your post, as I was posting, so didn't see it. Saw the comments this morning, so scrolled back to see you got there in time to say goodbye. <3 I know your relationship with her was complicated, so grief will be too. I thought I didn't feel much when my mother died, but I have been thinking about…
  • The quilt is lovely, Michele. Doing a reset on the pain meds in the night. Should be able to get back to sleep in a bit. Sooooo fed up with this. Ginny - She doesn't drink tea or coffee, or eat desserts. It would be nice to see her. I do hope they can pop in, but I need to know times, as I am usually napping in the…
  • Amazed and grateful that the council have sent out new bus passes without us having to apply for them again. I can hardly believe it! :D We thought we would have to do all the business with online forms, photos etc. No, it just came in the post. :o Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • John's painting this afternoon. He is calling it Roman Candles . :D Marvellous! Heather UK xxxxxx