my boyfriend says he will quit smoking when I reach my goal weight! Also, we are getting married somewhat soon and hope to fit into my grandmothers old wedding dress ( my mom wore it too!). --plus I have tons of old cloths that are super cute and no longer fit. Oh, and I have a degree in health-how can I tell others how to…
I am so glad you posted this because that happens to me too! I was a little concerned (I have a BS in health and it has made me a bit of a hypochodriac-haha) I asked my co-worker (a fitness trainer) and she said to try getting gym shoes that are a full sizer bigger then your normal shoe size.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is Ep & It's blitz
I'm in! just joined, love the idea of challenges!
Fall is my farvorite! Living in NE Ohio we have pretty much the same problem : ( humid summers, short fall season, and nasty winters--lovely