MissJanet55 Member


  • I'm in Ontario, and we're having the best season for peaches I remember in a long time. They've been perfect. I'm always a little disappointed in a bad peach season, and a bad cherry season. The seasons are so short, I try to make the most of them.
  • Well, yeah. Isn't that the point of cutting that stuff out? I'm not one who has the luxury of a lot of junk food. Due to my age and being sidelined for some time because of an injury, my calories are fairly restricted. I can't eat junk and hit my macros, and be anywhere close to my micros. This matters to me.
  • To you, maybe, but not to me. Never been a fan of pop tarts although I am partial to ice cream. and 600 calories of peaches and tomatoes will keep me full for longer AND nourish my body. THAT makes me feel good.
  • Like many others here, I disagree with the "deprivation will make your head explode" posters. Diabetics give up sugar. People with celiac disease give up wheat and other gluten containing foods. People with heart disease cut way back on fat intake, It's all done to improve their health, and doesn't result in insane binging…
  • Why would you discourage the OP? He (I'm going to guess it's a man) is doing well on this program, so let him be. It's not like he is eating such a small amount of food that it's dangerous for him - he has just identified his problem foods. I expect his choices will change over time. Many of us have foods where we can't…
  • Just finished May We Be Forgiven by A M Homes, loved it. It is a big, weird, humane book, very funny and sad at the same time. Also just enjoyed Cooked by Michael Pollan (cooking your own food is a radical act) and Sugar Salt Fat by Michael Moss. Both excellent.
  • It's possible that the food you're eating is actually making you hungrier, even though it is high in calories. It seems counter-intuitive, but it's not. Much of what you are eating will spike your blood sugar. I'm not familiar with the type of peanut butter you eat, but check the label for the sugar content. Sugar makes…
  • We will defeat evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering. Mystery Men
  • Someone may have already suggested this, but fiber is a good thing to keep you feeling full. Are you tracking your fiber? Many nutritionists suggest eating much morer fiber than MFP suggests, ie 25 grams a day or more. I had a quick peek at your diary and don't see much in the way of vegetables, fruits and grains - these…
  • I haven't seen this show so can't comment on it. But in Canada, there are shows about addicts, hoarders, and others with all kinds of issues. I would say these programs are exploiting these people at the very least, and those of us who watch them are voyeuristic. I know people say "but it's helpful to others" and I dont'…
  • I like them with savoury spices - that recipe for red lentil curry looks fantastic. I make this recipe for Indian Spiced Cauliflower with sweet potatoes instead of yukon gold: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Indian-Spiced-Cauliflower-and-Potatoes-109118 (I use only a fraction of the oil). For something easier,…
  • I don't find tasty and healthy mutually exclusive, particularly in the short summer months in my part of the world. Asparagus, fresh peas, corn, peaches, cherries, fresh tomato, basil and herbs of all kinds - yum! I look forward to it in the cold winter months when it's all stews and root vegetables. Cooking at home works…
  • Can I do this with a dry loofah? My aging skin gets extremely dry. I exfoliate in the shower then slather myself with baby oil and moisturizer on top, but the idea of topping up with a dry loofah in between appeals to me. Just for the scratch alone, if nothing else.
  • Fiona, do you cook? You might find if you cook your own food that your diet will be more varied and interesting, your macros will balance out a litte better, and your micros will be vastly improved. Every once in a while I find myself way under for the day but it happen so rarely that I don't worry about it any more.
  • Thanks for clarifying in the last paragraph. I think it's important to distinguish between disordered eating and craving a food because it has been engineered to light up your brain the same way cocaine does. But I expect that the latter can lead to the former, the same way recreational drug use can lead to habitual use…
  • Quote: And others of us see it, recognize it and respond with "meh" because we realize that no one will ever truly take our ability to say "no" or to indulge in moderation. If you don't have the ability to moderate yourself though, I do understand why you would get upset. End quote. In fairness, I think the point of this…
  • I have really struggled with this on and off for years. Two things have helped. 1. I figured out how much money I spend on diet coke every day - usually $4. So if I only spend $2, I put the other $2 in a jar. If I don't spend anything I put $4 in the jar. After a year, I have just short of $800, and this year I am aiming…
  • The citation is in the book - it names names, and is very specific. It's worth a read, it's all in there. I would also add that food companies spend millions and millions of dollars on marketing and positioning for a reason - it works. In this case, it works to sell a product that we don't need. I doubt that any of us…
  • If you're looking for motivation to stay away from fast food, pick up a copy of Salt, Sugar Fat. Michael Moss made me think a lot about how much we are manipulated by the content of the food to crave more of it (that, and the fact that it is engineered not to make us full) as well as the deceptive marketing practices and…
  • I didn't read every post so someone may have suggeted this. But the Haagen Dazs Half Fat Lemon is SPECTACULAR! Otherwise, go to a really good gelato place, get a single scoop of your favourite flavour, build it into your day and enjoy!
  • I think it's important to remember the purpose of a wedding - to celebrate to people marrying. The purpose is not to entertain you. At the worst wedding I ever attending, the groom was so hungover he threw up at the altar.
  • Am I the only person who thinks losing weight is a different process for men and women? Obviously losing weight is hard for everyone. Of that, there is no doubt. But men have more muscle mass, which burns more calories. And women trying to lose weight after menpause really struggle. Just as we have finally learned that…
  • I believe it is possible to be fit at different weights; we don't all have to be thin, and I don't believe that it's possible for every person to be thin. But if you're not feeling well, then looking at what you eat seems a good place to start. I expect you've been eating intuitively up until now; it may be worthwhile to…
  • I just had an interesting experience with this. My weight loss has been slow, but steady-ish. Still, I've been feeling awful, like I was 100 years old. The doctor checked my blood and told me I'm fine - my exhaustion was not due to thyroid, low iron, low B12, anything. Still, I could barely get through the day. A…
  • I've been trying to quit drinking diet coke, and have discovered that 1/4 a cup of pure blueberry juice (no sugar) topped up with fizzy water and a squeeze of lime is really delicious and satisfying.
  • I think what you eat will have a bigger impact than missing a couple of active days. If you have any stopovers, walk around the airport, and pack healthy food for your flight - I pack almonds, carrots, and fruit. You'll be fine, enjoy your trip!
  • I had a problem absorbing B vitamins and did better with a sublingual tablet that dissolved under my tongue. Hope you feel better!
  • I try to figure out what was in the food - I try to order as simply as possible, but that isn't always possible when I'm at an ethnic restaurant - and then I add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil for good measure. I expect restaurants cook with more oil than I use at home. I once read that over three courses in a French…
  • I had the same thought. This will seem very odd to people from Canada and the UK.