MissJanet55 Member


  • I sure do not - I don't seem to have any control over it, or at least certain kinds of foods. And it's beyond just eating a bit too much at meals. My meals are not usually a problem - I like to cook, so they're balanced, lots of veg and protein. It's between that is giving me so much trouble right now.
  • I struggle with binging, too, but I have more trouble at work. I find that being tired is a trigger for a binge, especially with sugar. I want a hit to get me through the afternoon. The other thing that causes me some trouble is stress, anxiety or boredom. At home I have less trouble, I have more access to healthy food and…
  • It seems to make a difference for me, although people respond differently. Why don't you try it and see how you feel, and if it is effective? That's the only way to know - what works for some doesn't work for others.
  • Women lose a lot of bone density with menopause, so have traditionally been more affected, as are younger and younger people. If you spend any time in the waiting room of an osteoporosis clinic you will see a change - more young people, and more men.
  • I'm not one to argue on internet forums, but there is a lot of documentation. This science paper: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1474447/ And this piece on safefood, although this group obviously has a point of view: http://www.safefood.org.nz/aspartaddict.html An FDA paper on aspartame toxicity:…
  • Diet coke - all carbonated beverages - can be a risk factor for osteoporosis, and I have recently learned that aspartame is a neurotoxin, which freaked me out. I've drunk the stuff all my life, and have quit over and over and over. I am just poised to give it up for about the millionth time. I find when I'm not drinking…
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. This isn't you sabotaging yourself, this is you reacting in a perfectly human way to a huge loss. I think when you say you are eating to fill a gap that is exactly right, or at least that is my experience of it. The problem is that it works, at least for a little while. But it doesn't work…
  • I don't have many regrets in my life, but one is that I never knew how great my body was when I had it. At 25, I was tiny - 105 lbs, men tried to pick me up at the beach. And I was strong - a figure skater and constant fitness classes and weights. But I felt fat. I obsessed about how fat I was. I was ashamed of my body.…
  • Thanks for asking this question. I'm pushing sixty and not as strong as I would like. I wish I could say I wasn't intimidated - I've been a feminist since the 70s - but I am. I'm afraid of looking foolish. I love the gym for cardio machines and spin class, but I feel intimidated by the free weights. I always feel like the…
  • There will still be plenty of towels to launder. Do you really want to sit on a chair that other naked people have been sitting on without putting a towel down first? I thought not.
  • I'm just an ordinary cat, but I do think I look excellent in my taco costume.
  • I've done a lot of yoga over the past 20 years or so. There are definitely some cons to Bikram. 1. It's the same sequence every time. Some people get bored. I think you're so busy sweating you don't notice. 2. Bikram's has the highest rate of injury of any kind of yoga. The heat makes you more flexible than you actually…
  • This thread is making me hungry. In Canada we get a lot of British food. I have never understood why you can't serve Yorkshire Pudding with absolutely everything. Fried dough. Yum. I don't love pumpkin pie, but sweet potato pie is a whole different thing, and absolutely delicious. Our Mexican runs to the Tex-Mex up here,…
  • I struggle with this as well. My diet is normally pretty healthy, but those cravings do me in. I have learned two things. 1. If I feel like my head will blow off it I don't have potato chips, 99% of the time it means I am hungry and not aware of it. I eat something healthy and the craving is gone. I now carry almonds…
  • I hope you have a wonderful trip. I agree about the soup - enjoy it. Look for busy restaurants. I had two really memorable dishes in Thailand. One was in the north, fried chicken. It came in a baggie tied at the top, with a dish of dipping sauce. i still dream about it. The other was with a friend from Bangkok and i dont'…
  • I make a shrimp boil. It's great for having people over, and everyone loves it. There is still time for end of the season corn; http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Shrimp-Boil-with-Spicy-Horseradish-Sauce-243174 or coconut curry; http://www.finecooking.com/recipes/shrimp-in-spicy-thai-coconut-sauce.aspx You can…
  • i'm at 48 grams of fat, and 109 grams of protein (my macros for protein fat and carbs are set at 33% each, or close to). I often go over my fat grams, with most of it coming from protein sources like eggs, peanut butter, fish like salmon or arctic char. I often wonder how much I should worry about this. i find it really…
  • I log nearly everything the day before, or at least 75% of what I am going to eat. This works well for me, especially as when I started I underestimated the number of calories that were on my plate. Eat modestly tonight, one day of being a little over isn't going to hurt you. Good luck, you'll figure it out.
  • 80% of the produce I eat is organic, and I buy as much pasture raised antibiotic free etc etc meat as I can. I'm fortunate I can afford to do so. My thinking in doing this is not that it will make me live forever, but more that I am trying to reduce my risk factors wherever I can.
  • Are you eating fresh vegetables? Fresh are so different from frozen and canned in terms of taste and texture that it's sometimes hard to believe they started life the same way. And you can do a lot of things to make them taste good - soy sauce, ginger, garlic, rice wine vinegar are all excellent ways to change the taste of…
  • I've recently been reading more about adrenal fatigue. Like others, I experience many of the symptoms. I would rather treat them at the source that take a pill for each one, although I know not everyone feels this way. It is interesting to hear people say it doesn't exist. In the 80s you heard the same thing about…
  • Here the prosecutor decides whether or not that case will go to court, but the arrest is at the discretion of the police.
  • I have a serious question about this. Apparently he wasn't arrested because his wife didn't want to press charges. In Canada, it isn't up to the victim of a crime to press charges, it is up to the police. This is true for any crime, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Is this not the case in the US?
  • I had a look at your diary, and I share the concerns that you're not eating enough. And I bet your micros will be way off as well. It also looks like you're a little low on protein. Please tell me you're taking a multi-vitamin. Eating more doesn't mean binging. You will be doing your body a huge favour in nourishing it and…
  • Did anyone answer you? Frozen beans are usually processed before being frozen, you may want to blanch fresh beans lightly before putting them in the oven, maybe 2 minutes.
  • This may be a stupid question - if so, I apologize, but I need to know - do these corsets make your belly squish out underneath? I'm *cough* asking for a friend. I recently heard that there are many seamstresses across North America - and I'm sure in other parts of the world - who make beautiful corsets for Muslim women to…
  • If you need inspiration, have a look at Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss. It tells you very clearly how much sodium is in food that comes in cans, bags and boxes. Particularly telling is his visit to a cheetos factory, taste testing them with and without the salt. Salt and sugar are used to mask tastes that are either bland…
  • There are so many different reasons people are heavy. Some aren't aware that the food they are eating is so calorie dense, and I expect (but don't know) this applies to many who come to a place like MFP for the first time. Some people are on medications that make them chronically hungry. Some are chronically sleep deprived…
  • I just learned a new way to get vegetables into my eggs. Chop one clove of garlic, add to a tiny bit of olive oil in a non stick pain. Add 3 cup of spinach, and stir until wilted. Whir up 2 large or 3 medium eggs with salt, pepper and a little tabasco. Add to the wilted spinach, and keep stirring with a whisk until cooked.…
  • I'm doing the same. I can weigh myself many times throughout the day, and find that monthly weigh-ins keep me honest. No more "oh, I'm down a little so I can eat that." Without the weighing, I have to trust the process of logging, and have way better results this way. I did the same thing in the spring, but weighing is a…