What are you suppose to do when you're under but not hungry



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Me, personally? I just leave it and eat under goal because i know the next day or weekend I will eat over my goal so it all balances out. But you seem to be doing this daily so i would say eat. IMO, Its okay to go under occasionally but not daily.
  • tavinsmom
    I wish I could help, but that's never happened to me! Lots of good suggestions though.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you're not hungry, eating healthily, are healthy, and are not obsessively not eating, leave it alone. You'll make it up some other time.

    It's good to have a buffer.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member


    I wish!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Sometimes in that situation I just allow myself a higher calorie meal next day, better than stuffing food for the sake of it :smile:
  • wibblefps

    Assuming you do not have some eating disorder, in good health etc, no point in stuffing food down in order to meet some calorie goal

    Our bodies have evolved over thousands of years to know when we are hungry, if you are not hungry, why eat?

    That's what worries me, I've had problems with Binging before and the thought of forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry makes me think of that horrible time in my life

    The problem is that post isn't true. Our bodies can dull the hunger response in times of famine. If you are chronically under-feeding your body, it assumes famine.

    +1 You're already low so don't go further for the sake of it. Sometimes I have to eat because I know I should even though I'm 1000cal under the and not hungry (stupid and dangerous though to be that extreme)

    If you are talking about being that low once in a while, then no problem. But if you are saying it's a typical day and you always eat that low, it's not a good idea unless you've been advised to do so by a doctor.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    One thing that always confuses me. I usually eat about 1000-1200 calories a day.

    I am always confused by this too.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I would say eat a treat :)
    THIS! Deprivation over the long term does really bad things to our body and spirit. Lift your spirits with something you love that is probably not lowfat!
  • ladylaume
    ladylaume Posts: 81 Member
    Just remeber Some days you go over some days you go under if at the end of the week They measure out don't worry about it.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I had a look at your diary, and I share the concerns that you're not eating enough. And I bet your micros will be way off as well. It also looks like you're a little low on protein. Please tell me you're taking a multi-vitamin.

    Eating more doesn't mean binging. You will be doing your body a huge favour in nourishing it and giving it the fuel it needs.

    I've never really liked breakfast, I'm too tired in the morning to eat. I will bring some cut-up fruit to work - a sliced apple or something like that - and eat the slices throughout the morning along with 1/4 cup cup of almonds. Doing this over time has helped me adjust to being able to eat in the morning, and having some protein within a few hours of waking will help you feel better through the day.

    If you get full quickly,you can do this throughout the day. A friend of mine gets full very easily, so she will cut a sandwich in quarters and eat a quarter at a time during the afternoon.

    Like others have said, you have room for more full fat, high protein food. And don't forget avocados. I'm always nagging my mfp friends about fruit and vegetables - add these wherever you can.

    Good luck on your journey here.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No need to stuff in more food, just eat small portions of more calorie dense foods throughout the day - avocados, people have already mentioned nuts and nut butters, as well as full fat versions of dairy, use coconut and olive oils in cooking and dressings, etc. These foods pack some good cals in small portions, making it easy for your to reach your daily goal without stuffing your face.

    Slice that half an apple and dip it in a tablespoon or two of peanut or almond butter (a few squares of good dark chocolate are nice to dip, too!). Slice up some avocado and add it to a salad, or eggs, or put it on toast - avocado is good with so many things! A small handful of raw almonds and a cheese stick makes a good on-the-go snack.

    Food is fuel - you need your calories and your body will thank you for it, and you can get them without stuffing down more food when you don't feel hungry, or by eating junk. Although the occasional treat is nice too, and can be a good thing!

    Good luck!
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    How do you feel?? Healthy? Full of energy? Like you're body is getting what it needs? I agree with not forcing yourself to eat when not hungry; I also agree with those who have looked at your diary and recommended more nutrient dense foods. Fast food and prepackaged foods are not going to give you the healthy balance you need. I saw very few vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins - if you're not a person that does not need a lot of calories, then fine, but then make sure every last calorie you eat is doing something good for your body.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Have a beer! :drinker:
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Have a beer! :drinker:

    or a piece of cheesecake....Mmmmmm!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If it's a rare instance, fine... leave it. If it happens regularly, plan better.

    And at your young age, 1000-1200 calories is most likely too low. Especially if it's 1000-1200 total and not net.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Put a tablespoon of olive oil on your dinner.

    I promise you, it won't make you any more full.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Have a beer! :drinker:

    or a piece of cheesecake....Mmmmmm!

    Beer and cheesecake, why choose :bigsmile:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Treat yourself and it will make the days where you're over and hungry that much more tolerable.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    If it's a rare instance, fine... leave it. If it happens regularly, plan better.

    And at your young age, 1000-1200 calories is most likely too low. Especially if it's 1000-1200 total and not net.

    I'm not an active person. I sit at a desk all day, walk a block to the bus, then walk another block home. Where I will either sit in front of my computer or the tv.

    I know you're suppose to exercise but I just don't have the motivation for it.

    I also feel great, I don't feel fatigued like I use to and my skin has cleared up.

    Also the reason for lack of vegetables is I had $3 in my name for that past week and a half. I got paid today so I will be going grocery shopping.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    I'm not an active person. I sit at a desk all day, walk a block to the bus, then walk another block home. Where I will either sit in front of my computer or the tv.

    I know you're suppose to exercise but I just don't have the motivation for it.

    I also feel great, I don't feel fatigued like I use to and my skin has cleared up.

    Ok, either you feel great and not fatigued or you don't have the energy to exercise? Lack of motivation is usually not feeling like getting up and doing anything not just not falling asleep in front of the TV. I bet if you got more and more nutritious food into you there might be a chance you'd want to do more than watch TV.

    It becomes a vicious cycle of not eating, then not feeling like eating because your body gets used to not eating, so you eat less, and it carries on. Next thing you're extremely under eating, wondering why you can't lose and your hair is falling out.