Addicted to diet coke.. help :(



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »

    Not a great source. It's just someone's scare monger article. Peer reviewed sources, please.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »

    Association does not equal cause.
  • River314
    River314 Posts: 66 Member
    I keep going back to diet sodas because I like the bubbles :-)

    When I feel the need to drink water, I keep a pitcher in the fridge, and add one of those little flavor packets like for bottled water. Diet peach tea by Snapple and Wyler's pink lemonade are my favorites. There are other flavors out there, I'm just stuck on my favorites.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    healthy491 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    doesn't cause weight gain, doesn't cause diabetes, doesn't cause cancer, etc. etc. etc.

    The only worry i'd have consuming the amount you're talking about is the damage to your teeth or potential Reflux/Acid symptoms.

    Really ? Thanks :) literally EVERYONE tells me how bad it is for my health and that I should stop

    The phosphoric acid in Coca Cola has been known to cause osteoporosis by leaching calcium out of bones and weaken teeth when consumed in largr quantities.

    Teeth? Sure. Bone? Not a chance. To actually weaken bone via acidity, your blood pH would need to fall below 5.5 - which is far beyond the lethal level. Normal body pH is incredibly tightly regulated.

    For that matter, acidic drinks are not going to increase stomach acidity, because you'd never swallow anything more acidic than your stomach acid - whatever you drink is going to reduce the acidity of your stomach contents. Actual acidosis tends to be caused by either kidney damage or poisoning, such as by drinking methanol, or by severe oxygen deprivation, not by consumption of acidic drinks. ("Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas -- three or more a day -- had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake.")

    It's not via acidity. If occurring, it's probably via co-ordination (a broad category of interactions including chelation). And, no, not every phosphorus containing compound would have this effect. It would be limited to phosphoric acid and the related phosphates in which there are free oxygen atoms available to co-ordinate to the calcium. It appears that the caffeine may also be a contributing factor (since the noncola sodas were not shown to give the same reduced bone density).

    Anyway, I managed to drastically reduce (but not eliminate) my diet soda intake by replacing it with flavoured waters (e.g. Crystal Light) which I increasingly diluted. I was able to get myself up to about half my intake being water, most of the rest being flavoured water or home brewed iced tea, with one or two diet sodas a day as well.

    I wouldn't have been worried if the OP said she was drinking half a liter a day, but 4 liters a day is going to be very hard on the teeth and may increase her risk of osteoperosis.

    Correlation studies are almost useless, particularly with diet, since diet is so deeply correlated with most of our lifestyle. People who consume more X also consume more Y and Z, and less A and B, etc.

    Essentially, the root problem with correlational studies are that you can never prove you've accounted for every confounding variable. You can account for the ones you've thought of, but that's it, you can never prove you've thought of every variable you actually need to correct for. This, along with the fact that typical scientific standards tend to produce a lot of false positives makes this interesting, but inconclusive.

    Another thing that strikes me about that study are that the effects were seen only in women, not men, and only in the hip, not the spine. If there was a real effect, we'd expect to see it in both testing sites, and probably both sexes as well.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited August 2016
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »

    Not a great source. It's just someone's scare monger article. Peer reviewed sources, please.

    I heard that from another poster. :neutral:
    I was not familiar with that site and thought it was legit.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    It isn't really clear why men were not affected, and more studies need to be done.

    Women lose a lot of bone density with menopause, so have traditionally been more affected, as are younger and younger people. If you spend any time in the waiting room of an osteoporosis clinic you will see a change - more young people, and more men.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    duddysdad wrote: »
    I've been drinking diet soda for at least 30 years. Every single day, multiple cans. 30 years of artificial sweetener and I have no negative health problems because of this. I've lost a ton of weight while drinking a 2 liter + a day. There is nothing wrong with it.

    if you do a little digging on it you will find all sorts of things about it. i too was an ever day liter. the only way i quit was because i was in the hospital and they would not give it to me. soda will clean your toilet, will clean around your battery cables and many more examples, but i will stop. i drank for the caeffine and to keep from eating. i am not innocent of this, just started to realize their are health hazards. jmo
    healthy491 wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    That stuff is chemically balanced with the caffeine and sugar and who knows what else to make you crave it.

    That makes no sense, whatsoever.

    Diet soda doesn't have sugar, and some have caffeine but usually less (per volume) than coffee. Craving something doesn't always mean that it's bad, you might just really like it and want more. I'm craving cabbage right now, most definitely not because it's been modified to make me want more of it.

    To the OP, you're going to get a lot of people throwing fake science at you to support their beliefs that diet sodas are bad. While I agree that you might be drinking so much of them that it'll hurt your teeth, they won't make you gain weight. Diet sodas personally help me to keep my calories in check by cutting my craving for sweets.

    Thanks so much for answering me :) ! Its like everytime I am convinced that diet soda is fine , someone comes up with an article about how bad it is for me !

    well, you know. People can come up with articles talking about how aliens built the pyramids and how Obama is a reptilian who was also born in Africa and is a Muslim.

    Did your digging happen to turn up any peer reviewed articles to support any of your claims?

    Aspartame is one of the most studied compounds on the planet. Time and again it has been proven safe. The claims you are making are from woo based fear mongering sites that want you to think that chemicals = bad.

    Guess what? Water is a chemical...
  • lindarpolk
    lindarpolk Posts: 70 Member
    I'm also addicted. I got headaches the last time I tried to stop drinking it but that's the caffeine and nothing else.

    I've been drinking it and losing weight so I really don't see the problem in moderation.

    Caffeine is physically addicting. It's not just a psychological habit. A lot of people get rebound headaches from trying to quit caffeine suddenly. I would cut down on it gradually until you can do without it.

    Can you have fruit flavored water?
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    lol gotta love the never ending argument between which study is right and which isn't. Of course, those who claim their studies are the right ones, usually are the people who say McDonalds is good for you, just like drinking an excessive amount of diet soda is harmless. I'm not so concern about sugar but about whatever chemicals (harmless or not) they put in a soda. I rather make my own fruit juices than drinking any of that crap.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    lol gotta love the never ending argument between which study is right and which isn't. Of course, those who claim their studies are the right ones, usually are the people who say McDonalds is good for you, just like drinking an excessive amount of diet soda is harmless. I'm not so concern about sugar but about whatever chemicals (harmless or not) they put in a soda. I rather make my own fruit juices than drinking any of that crap.

    No food is inherently good or bad, unless it makes you ill. This goes for diet soda, McDonalds, spinach, salmon, cookies, anything. It's all about moderation and knowing what works best with your diet plan.
  • BeverlyMarsh1986
    BeverlyMarsh1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Try Seltzer Water with flavor as a replacement. The Orange or Lime ones are great. You still get the fizziness, but it's healthier.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    I'm not one to argue on internet forums, but there is a lot of documentation.

    This science paper:
    And this piece on safefood, although this group obviously has a point of view:
    An FDA paper on aspartame toxicity:

    And many more. There are also pieces saying it is perfectly safe, so pick your poison. But one thing is sure - giving it up is not going to hurt you.

    I saw a lot of articles that say it is not harmful also. It is confusing because studies are inconclusive.

    Oh! I read the Harvard article wrong. It says, "The health BENEFITS of diet drinks are inconclusive, with research showing mixed findings."

    This article is referring to all artificial sweeteners not just the aspartame in a diet Coke.

    I do worry about the toxins which are probably being handled well in smaller quantities, but what about any cumulative, long term effects?

    There are no toxins in diet coke.

    Just the excitotoxins unless those are mythological.
  • WannabeDiabeticFree
    I drink 3-4 12 ounce cans a day. I tried to get off of it a couple of times too, but I LOVE it and here's the reason I don't worry about it . . . my grandmother drank it since it was invented! She finally died in her sleep at 98 years old and was active and mentally sound until then. I think that proves it's okay.
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2016
    When my Water Bottle with Fruit Infuser gets here, I will begin weaning myself off of my more than 40 year addiction to Diet Coke It does cause problems for the teeth, the acid. My dentist has been telling me so, and my Mom, who was a Dental Assistant for nearly 20 years... For me, I know it causes bloating and has contributed to more than one UTI. I've been slowly weaning myself off already. I used to drink a 2 liter every day, now it's about 2 Liters every 2-3 days.

    I don't like the taste of plain tap water. I do like fruit, but don't get enough of fruit or vegetables, which is why I'm going with a fruit infuser in a 64 oz water bottle. Considering I don't drink any water (other than what's in what I eat or drink) this is better than it has been. I won't be adding the extra sugars, or caffeine. I know I'm addicted to the caffeine. I'll also be doing waters that have green tea in them.
  • HisangelG
    HisangelG Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2016
    Samanthor wrote: »
    What concerns me isn't the drinking soda, but the lack of water. We need it! If you've never had it regularly your whole life, you probably don't realize what it's like to not be dehydrated, which effects you on both the physical and mental level. I REALLY REALLY think you should try to learn to drink it, even if you start with just a few ounces a day. I think the suggestion above to drink one glass of water for every glass of coke is a good one. I know lots of people flavor their water--maybe you could try that! Or like I said, start with just a few ounces a day and try to work your way up to more. Water is very important to our mental and physical well being--dehydration makes you very crabby--I am urging you to overcome this.

    I'm not against learning to drink plain water, but what's the difference between adding flavoring to water and drinking diet coke? Diet coke is flavored water. Adding flavor doesn't remove the water.

    For me, the difference between adding flavoring to water and drinking diet coke, is that diet coke has aspartame in it. It also has caffeine. Also artificial coloring. Flavored water will have the fructose (Natural fruit sugar), natural coloring from the fruits, with no additional sugars, flavors, or coloring's. It won't have preservatives. Thus, the flavored fruit/vegetable water is naturally better for you, with no artificial anything to it, unless you add it.

    For those wondering, I'm in no way saying it's bad to drink Diet Coke, or any other soda. What I'm saying is, for me, I need to get off of it. I need to go to drinking flavored waters done with fruit/vegetables/green tea. I need to get healthy for me. This is how I begin it. Will I never drink Diet Coke again? I doubt I can keep from drinking sometimes...especially when I go out to eat with friends once a month at the pub. (I don't drink alcohol.) I'll admit, it was easier for me to quit smoking after 30 years, then it is to quit drinking diet soda. Several have talked about the problems with your teeth and drinking soda. This is real. One way to help if you want to keep drinking coke, is to brush your teeth after each glass...meal, etc. It will help. At the least, it will slow down the decay.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    doesn't cause weight gain, doesn't cause diabetes, doesn't cause cancer, etc. etc. etc.

    The only worry i'd have consuming the amount you're talking about is the damage to your teeth or potential Reflux/Acid symptoms.

    is more harmful than regular soda. has many chemicals used as artificial sweetner. i was like you, but w/ diet pepsi. after i quit, i actually lost weight! today i stick w/ la croix. no additives, just bubbles! love all the different flavors, a little more expensive, but at least it is a healthier option.
    How can one lose weight cutting out a zero calorie drink? LOL
    Do you know what aspartame actually is?
    Again, with the chemicals....everything is a damn chemical.
    It took my husband 3 separate attempts to kick it. If people brush it off like its no big deal, just know that its not in your head. I watched my husband try and fail twice. Its no joke. That stuff is chemically balanced with the caffeine and sugar and who knows what else to make you crave it. BUT I will say, he quit all soda, has been diet soda (and soda free) for years and is very happy he quit. You don't realize the hold it has on you until you stop drinking it! And he says that now that he's done with it, he really doesn't know what he liked about it. He's had a little since then, and other sodas too, and he can't even drink them any more. We don't drink any sweet beverages, so no sweetened coffee/tea, no soda or juice. We do drink seltzer, and we put stuff in our water like fruit and lemon and such. I say go for it, and fight the good fight! You will save a bunch of money without it, and you will feel better for having done it!

    There is no sugar in diet soda.

    just chemical additives.....

    Do you even know what aspartame is? is 2 amino acids. Yeah.
    Did you know chemicals are in everything?
    healthy491 wrote: »
    So today I went to a confectionery and bought a diet coke and the store owner and my dad started giving me a lecture about how its bad for me , causes diabetes , weight gain etc.
    I am kinda worried now as I am literally addicted and love it and its all I drink since I really hate water :( I drink about 4 Litres a day ( I know its a lot ). Anyone has an idea regarding what I can do ?

    do your own research.....

    Apparently, you need to, too. And keep away from the kills, too.
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    duddysdad wrote: »
    I've been drinking diet soda for at least 30 years. Every single day, multiple cans. 30 years of artificial sweetener and I have no negative health problems because of this. I've lost a ton of weight while drinking a 2 liter + a day. There is nothing wrong with it.

    if you do a little digging on it you will find all sorts of things about it. i too was an ever day liter. the only way i quit was because i was in the hospital and they would not give it to me. soda will clean your toilet, will clean around your battery cables and many more examples, but i will stop. i drank for the caeffine and to keep from eating. i am not innocent of this, just started to realize their are health hazards. jmo
    healthy491 wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    That stuff is chemically balanced with the caffeine and sugar and who knows what else to make you crave it.

    That makes no sense, whatsoever.

    Diet soda doesn't have sugar, and some have caffeine but usually less (per volume) than coffee. Craving something doesn't always mean that it's bad, you might just really like it and want more. I'm craving cabbage right now, most definitely not because it's been modified to make me want more of it.

    To the OP, you're going to get a lot of people throwing fake science at you to support their beliefs that diet sodas are bad. While I agree that you might be drinking so much of them that it'll hurt your teeth, they won't make you gain weight. Diet sodas personally help me to keep my calories in check by cutting my craving for sweets.

    Thanks so much for answering me :) ! Its like everytime I am convinced that diet soda is fine , someone comes up with an article about how bad it is for me !

    well, you know. People can come up with articles talking about how aliens built the pyramids and how Obama is a reptilian who was also born in Africa and is a Muslim.

    Did your digging happen to turn up any peer reviewed articles to support any of your claims?

    Aspartame is one of the most studied compounds on the planet. Time and again it has been proven safe. The claims you are making are from woo based fear mongering sites that want you to think that chemicals = bad.

    Guess what? Water is a chemical...
    ^Yep..this right here.

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I wonder if people who don't like plain water just have really crappy water supplies. My water is delicious. T_T

    Or they just don't like water.

    Well yeah but everything has a reason... like... how can you have a negative view on something that tastes mostly like nothing?? Sure sure, I don't have to be catered to but I mean... it's -water-. Our bodies should crave it. Since going low-carb I increased my water and now even the diet peach tea at the local gas station leaves a no calorie sweetener film on my tongue. o.o Now nothing else satisfies like water.

    I guess I don't understand the mindset.