Not Hating, Why Do Women Struggle With The Gym?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm kind of surprised that some women are intimidated by men at the gym. I pay them no mind (besides sneaking looks at the hot ones haha). I mean, in no way am I competing with men and I doubt they care what I'm doing - unless I was an expert lifter and could show them up I guess..

    I work there... and I'd consider myself to be an intermediate lifter- sure I have fun competitions with people occasionally- but I dont' ever try to 'show someone up'- most expert lifters don't have time for that. they talk about lifts- getting them- not getting them- reps- technique- stuff they have learned- stuff they are tweaking with their diet but they dont' have time for such tom-foolery... they might goof off occasionally with each other- but it's not usually like that. :)
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    For me, it is because I am unsure of what to do and I feel intimidated. I am working with a personal trainer now who is showing me how to do a variety of things in the gym (free weights, cables, stability ball, resistant bands, and Pilates) and the intimidation is decreasing but I have yet to go at it on my own. Prior to working with the trainer I would do the treadmill or elliptical because that is what I knew how to do. It was easier to do what I knew than to be embarrassed for doing the weights incorrectly and being laughed at.
    I agree completely. I have been over weight most of my life, and in high school the gym was only for the athletes. Therefore I always associated any gym as being for those already healthy and not as a welcoming place to get healthy.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I'm kind of surprised that some women are intimidated by men at the gym. I pay them no mind (besides sneaking looks at the hot ones haha). I mean, in no way am I competing with men and I doubt they care what I'm doing - unless I was an expert lifter and could show them up I guess..

    I work there... and I'd consider myself to be an intermediate lifter- sure I have fun competitions with people occasionally- but I dont' ever try to 'show someone up'- most expert lifters don't have time for that. they talk about lifts- getting them- not getting them- reps- technique- stuff they have learned- stuff they are tweaking with their diet but they dont' have time for such tom-foolery... they might goof off occasionally with each other- but it's not usually like that. :)

    I agree. Although we will try to show each other up when we are training in a team environment but but it is just games and bull**** with each other. We make up high rep games to show each other up and have a laugh. It's just within our group though when we are torturing each other.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't compete with anybody, but myself at the gym. And it wouldn't bother me if others were competing. I don't care what anyone thinks of me at the gym. I'm there to better myself. I lift heavy for me. I'm quite small. Most people are surprised that I lift as heavy as I do. Other people lift less, other people lift a lot more. I'm also not judging anyone at the gym. We are there to do what we want to do and we are all "a work in progress" at the gym.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    ...I don't struggle at the gym what so ever. How come most men struggle in the bedroom?
  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    ...I don't struggle at the gym what so ever. How come most men struggle in the bedroom?

    you mean like having a hard time falling asleep and stuff?
  • teaparty75
    i have friends that are smaller than me say they don't like going because they don't want "people looking at them" LOL ...i've tried to assure them that NO ONE CARES !!! once you are in the throws of your workout you don't have time to be looking at people - hell i'm concentrating on breathing and NOT passing out !
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    ...I don't struggle at the gym what so ever. How come most men struggle in the bedroom?

    you mean like having a hard time falling asleep and stuff?

    I think that's what she means. I used to struggle with that and started using ZMA. It worked wonders :smile:

    It actually does work well for sleep.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks for asking this question.

    I'm pushing sixty and not as strong as I would like. I wish I could say I wasn't intimidated - I've been a feminist since the 70s - but I am. I'm afraid of looking foolish. I love the gym for cardio machines and spin class, but I feel intimidated by the free weights. I always feel like the men and women who are so obviously more fit and strong than I am are somehow more entitled to the space.

    Working on getting over it.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I personally have access to my campus gym, but I don't use it. When I have used it I just used the cardio machines. I am not comfortable asking a random stranger to show me how to use the weight machines. I don't want to look stupid trying to figure the machines out on my own either. So for me I'm just too embarrassed, right now. I am however only 13 lbs. from having a healthy BMI, then once I'm no longer "overweight" I plan on forcing myself to get over my fears and learn how to strength train.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ...I don't struggle at the gym what so ever. How come most men struggle in the bedroom?

    you mean like having a hard time falling asleep and stuff?

    I think that's what she means. I used to struggle with that and started using ZMA. It worked wonders :smile:

    It actually does work well for sleep.

    yeah no- I'm 99% certain that's NOT what she meant- but well- that's how I read it- and I'm dirty as all get out... but yeah- I think that's totally a valid question!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't lift cause I can't. If I do them my back will be toast.

    I run because I like it.

    I hate gyms & regret the one & only time I joined one at the start of this year.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I don't lift cause I can't. If I do them my back will be toast.

    I run because I like it.

    I hate gyms & regret the one & only time I joined one at the start of this year.

    how is running less impact than lifting?

    I don't understand?
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Idk. Why do so many people have trouble spelling losing correctly?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't lift cause I can't. If I do them my back will be toast.

    I run because I like it.

    I hate gyms & regret the one & only time I joined one at the start of this year.

    how is running less impact than lifting?

    I don't understand?

    For me it is. If I lift those discs of mine are a goner, but I run soft. Almost no impact for me when I run. I actually get more when I walk.

    My discs don't need to extra compression or weight on them...... hence a main reason for my losing weight.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    1). Op: So happy to hear you're not hating! And great that you're not over generalizing either:flowerforyou:

    2). I think the losing/loosing spelling mistake issue has to do with so many ****ing people ****ing up that the rest of us start to doubt
    what we have always known to be correct
    3). And wtf!! What is the difference between running and lifting and how it relates to an injury???? I don't even know where to start. Smh
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i don't like gyms, it's yet another place i pay for, and end up not going because of numerous reasons, mainly being inconvenience.
    I do like my weight bench and weight set. readily accessible in my basement. any time.
    But, i like running too. frankly, before i started running, i couldn't have started lifting, because even looking at those darn weight plates would have had me out of breath.

    and i see more guys selling their weight lifting equipment on kijiji than women. care to elaborate on that?
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    I believe it's because of magazines and media endorsing stupid broscience methods to losing weight and attaining a shape. And it starts young.

    I've noticed that girls in middle school are trying to abstain from doing physical fitness (some due to sweating, messing up their hair, or because puberty is making it harder for them) and don't know if it carries on through high school. Personally, except for female athletes, I've never known any girl growing up that just went to the gym to lift and get stronger.

    It's changing now though. May take another decade or so for some to see that the resistance training really is the ticket to a better body and not the crazy BS diets and scams that are still being passed around.

    I was working out with a TRX in the park when a teenage boy and friends- tasked with taking their younger siblings to the park stopped by.

    Teenage boys were talking about whatever- and left the girl about 10 or so and the other young boy to their own devices.

    And she stopped and looked at me and goes- are you working out??

    >me> yup
    >girl> I need to lose weight too

    <internal me> SHOCKED FACE

    >me> oh sweetie- I'm not trying to lose weight- I'm trying to just get stronger and faster and better
    >girl> oh I drink milk

    <internal me> FACEPALM

    I was so depressed that her only connection with working out was to lose weight- I think that says A LOT about what our societies children are being raised to believe. it was depressing.

    I so agree! I hate that mentality that people only work out if they want to lose weight. One of my biggest pet peeves.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    ...I don't struggle at the gym what so ever. How come most men struggle in the bedroom?

    Funny. I don't struggle either!

    It really interests me why so many men struggle in the bedroom though ....IMO it's because they think it's all about reaching the "goal", and it's tied even deeper to their self-esteem than with women. Not to mention that men are not encouraged to be emotionally vulnerable and to just enjoy the moments.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am NOT hating. Just asking because this really interests me. IMO it's because they think it's all about running and loosing weight, and it's tied even deeper to their self-image than with men. Not to mention that women are not encouraged to be physically strong/able like men are.

    I know many, many women like the gym, but I'm making a general statement here.


    I'm a guy, I struggled with the gym too. In fact, i hate those places.

    There's a gym outside my front door where nobody gawps at a mirror for 20 minutes and as many miles of road as I could ever wish to run.