Not Hating, Why Do Women Struggle With The Gym?



  • I personally love the gym.....but it's a new thing! I was slim to start with...maybe tooo slim and wanted to get bigger and stronger!
    I think girls are afraid of lifting weights because they think they'll get big and manly....which couldn't be further from the gain curves in the right places!!! I've gained 1 stone since I've been training but am smaller than ever around the parts that count, girls forget that muscle weighs more than fat as a size comparison!

    A lot of it is self confidence...I've got a pt who has made me very comfortable in the gym....I would highly recommend doing this to start off with, the cost is well worth the confidence it gives you.

    I also found that as a beginner I didnt' know what to do...I went to get on the treadmill as every other girl does...which isn't going to do anything for my goals!

    My gym has a ladies only area....which is full of ladies like you describe who don't really want to be there, run and crosstrain for hours or are self conscious and sit around chatting a lot - needless to say I spend very little time in there...the only good thing about this area is that the dumbells I need are ALWAYS available as the only ones that get used are the 1kg 2kg and sometimes even the 3kg! I can guarantee that the 10kg will always be available!

    It's been a learning curve for me but I can now plan my 5/6 days of workouts by body part and have a good routine, Pt or no pt!
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I don't know about you but where I live there's a lot more women in the gym then men. Making all kinds of gains.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Why do people spell the word lose or losing with two o's?

  • For me its self-confidence.

    When I first joined my gym, I had no idea how to do any free weight exercises. My trainer has been taking me more into the free weights area as I get in better shape, but thats only once a week. The other 2 days I lift, I dont have a partner or my partner cant lift as heavy as me, so I either use the machines or body weight resistance with TRX.

    I have horrible problems with my left knee so I have not been able to do any squats, its so painful to bend my knee that deep. Hopefully next month when I see the ortho doctor, they can do something about it. :(

    But I'm a work in progress! Eventually I'll be able to walk up to a guy and ask him to spot me on the bench press.
  • For me its self-confidence.

    When I first joined my gym, I had no idea how to do any free weight exercises. My trainer has been taking me more into the free weights area as I get in better shape, but thats only once a week. The other 2 days I lift, I dont have a partner or my partner cant lift as heavy as me, so I either use the machines or body weight resistance with TRX.

    I have horrible problems with my left knee so I have not been able to do any squats, its so painful to bend my knee that deep. Hopefully next month when I see the ortho doctor, they can do something about it. :(

    But I'm a work in progress! Eventually I'll be able to walk up to a guy and ask him to spot me on the bench press.

    I don't need a spotter for anything. I do bb squats but in the rack with safety bars so it can be dropped.

    As for bench I am not benching over 100 lbs yet so I can easily roll it down my body and do the "roll of shame".... I also do not use collars when benching so i can tip it and roll the plates off. It's not a big deal if it's light and under 100 lbs... If benching over a plate then i can see why I would need a spotter but as of now it's easy to roll the weight off...
  • Kate814
    Kate814 Posts: 145
    So I didn't read through every comment and this might have already been said, but it's tough for women at the gym. I work out on campus at my university 5 days a week in the weight room. Sometimes I'm the only girl there with 20-30 guys. There aren't many days that go by where a guy comes up at says something discouraging or rude. This morning, a gentleman walked up to me and corrected my form. (granted my form on that exercise wasn't great... protecting an injury + being stubborn and using weight that was a little too much for it) But he correct my form, I politely thanked him, then he goes on a rant about how I'm a typical woman who doesn't know what I'm doing and should be in the weight room. (but I work in a gym and am just about to take my acsm cert).

    I know what I'm doing and its still intimidating to walk into the weight room. Most of the girls I talk to on campus are terrified. Now, I'm not saying all guys are like this. Most are awesome, but there are enough there that it can suck to be a girl at the gym.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Sorry to revive this old topic but it's interesting to me as well and I'm female and don't struggle with the gym. I consider myself more knowledgeable about working out than 90 percent of the guys at my gym. I go to a commercial gym in L.A where it's supposedly very aesthetic oriented; lots of wannabe actors/models even a few famous people at my gym. However 90 percent of men are pathetically weak and work out with improper form....

    I don't know why women are so afraid of doing something wrong when pretty much almost all the guys I see are doing something wrong. I can only count 2 or 3 times that I have seen guys do a FULL SQUAT; never seen ATG at my gym, majority of guys quarter squat or go down an inch. Many deadlift LIGHT weight (like 135lbs, 155 lbs) with horrible form and a rounded back. Mind you i am under 100 lbs and can easily deadlift 135lbs... Also see many weak guys bench pressing weak weight like 95 lbs... lol or with horrible form not using full ROM, bar going down an inch etc....

    Guys get in my way all the time and I have to tell the loser bouncing around on a swiss ball in the SQUAT RACK doing exercises to GTFO so I can squat. Most guys don't even squat or deadlift but only leg press and therefore have unaesthetic looking bodies that are not in proportion. Many guys I have noticed also don't have a CLUE as to what they are doing and using high reps on machines... Afraid to touch the barbells... I also laugh at weak guys curling 50 lbs (The bar with 2.5 lbs on each side) in the squat rack. I should tape it next time. I am serious; this stuff really happens at my gym. I also smirk at the guy who moans like he is having an orgasm but doing flys with only 25 lbs? lol.... That to me just shows how weak someone must be to make that kind of noise to lift such light weight. And then drawing more attention to how weak you are by groaning so loud? ok.

    Also LOL at people afraid of using machines. Are you serious? Machines are for people afraid to use the barbell and free weights. I use the barbell and free weight 95 percent of the time.

    Also, what is up with people not knowing how to do an exercise or use a machine?? Do you even Google? Do you even internet? Do you youtube? ANYTHING that you could ever want to know to do, make, build or use can be found using the freaking internet. That is not just about fitness but for anything pretty much. If worst comes to worst take a pic and ask about it online. People who take the time to research about fitness probably know more than most trainers out there who don't know jack.

    As for staring; I intimidate most of the guys there. One time someone stared at me and I slammed the weight down that I was deadlifting and stared menacingly at him and he got scared and walked away (as he should). If you don't want to get bothered WEAR HEADPHONES. No one is able to even offer me advice or talk to me because I will point to my heeadphones and say " I AM BUSY". If they ask me if I want advice I say "NO".... you are not obligated to have a conversation with anyone at the gym. Stop being so darn passive and become a predator like me... lol

    Personally I love the gym. I like to train hard and lift heavy. I like to be aesthetic. I love lifting more than weak guys and I am obnoxious about. I am not intimidated by anyone (I flex between sets :)).

    Honestly, you sound exactly like the type of person who makes lifting weights intimidating for others, judgmental and obnoxious.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I was lucky enough to start weight lifting / strength training in high school, so I have always felt pretty comfortable in a gym.

    I think for a lot of women it has to do with feeling intimidated - that you're going to be scrutinized for doing a lift wrong in some way or that you're too small to lift free weights next to these big huge, steroid-injected guys. And perhaps some of it is comparison to other women in the gym, and that part makes me a big sad - this constant rivalry amongst women. We should be helping one another, not trying to compete, but I digress...

    I also think there is this fear that women will get "too bulky" if they lift weights and sadly, this notion is still perpetuated through most women's magazines, even the so-called fitness ones (Women's Health, Self, etc) and it's hard for people who have NEVER weight trained to get over that hurdle. We're all supposed to be tiny and petite with long, "toned" arms only achieved through pilates or yoga. *sigh* But again, I digress...

    Anyway, interesting topic.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Sorry to revive this old topic but it's interesting to me as well and I'm female and don't struggle with the gym. I consider myself more knowledgeable about working out than 90 percent of the guys at my gym. I go to a commercial gym in L.A where it's supposedly very aesthetic oriented; lots of wannabe actors/models even a few famous people at my gym. However 90 percent of men are pathetically weak and work out with improper form....


    Personally I love the gym. I like to train hard and lift heavy. I like to be aesthetic. I love lifting more than weak guys and I am obnoxious about. I am not intimidated by anyone (I flex between sets :)).

    Honestly, you sound exactly like the type of person who makes lifting weights intimidating for others, judgmental and obnoxious.


    Do you remember a time when you were new to the gym? Hadn't had a trainer? Didn't know what you were doing exactly? How intimidating it must have been for you?

    How quickly we forget.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know any women who struggle with the gym.

    I don't like the gym personally, but that's because it's stuffy and boring. I prefer to be outside as much as possible o in my house if the weather doesn't allow it.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I initially struggled because I had no clue how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. I work out at a gym at a military medical hospital, and I feel comfortable there. I'm working with an exercise physiologist, and he is mixing things up on me and challenging me. I've worked out at other gyms, and what makes me uncomfortable are the roid heads who are hostile and territorial.

    Although I am not lifting heavy at this point, I am getting results and a lot of respect from the younger guys at the gym.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I hated the gym because when I went, which was only twice, it was a bunch of skinny women staring at me, the fat one. Plus, that gym sucked anyway and only tried it because of the free 'childcare.'

    I'd rather just work out at least until I am one of the skinny *****y chicks, yet I won't be staring and judging others.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    Are you asking why women hate the gym, or why they suck at it?

    I love the gym, I'm in there 5 days a week and I'd increase it if I could (my issue is training outdoors, can't do it, I need a certain environment to keep me going), but I'd say...ALL of my female friends hate the gym.
    They consider it an unfeminine environment, and definitely an uncomfortable one. They don't like sweating, the inevitable muscle soreness, the red face of exertion, and the ugly shoes. They just hate it.

    This is why you'll find more women in yoga classes than men. Less panting, less sweat, more spandex, less ugly shoes.
    I think a lot of women either want to be relaxed during exercise, or they want to have fun, e.g. zumba.

    I personally like looking like I just got thrown in a pool once my workout is over, but that's because I like evidence of how hard I've tried. Not everyone does.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I hated the gym because when I went, which was only twice, it was a bunch of skinny women staring at me, the fat one. Plus, that gym sucked anyway and only tried it because of the free 'childcare.'

    I'd rather just work out at least until I am one of the skinny *****y chicks, yet I won't be staring and judging others.

    Out of curiosity, what did they do that made you think they were staring at or judging you? I guess I've never been to the gym and seen what you have described and my gym has a very wide variety of body types that frequent, so there are plenty of fit people and also plenty of other people who are on their journey.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    personally, i didn't like doing my workout in front of the guys. it was often hard to get near a squat rack as well (they only had 2) as younger guys would be standing there doing their curls or when i did get on there, they'd be asking how long i'd be.

    i have no issues with this - just my own hang-ups.

    i've since kitted out my dad's garage with my own rack and me and my daughter can just go there, and be badass :D, without having to wait or worry about being embarrassed.

    ETA: just to balance it out - there's also no women in my dad's garage bodybrushing themselves naked :/
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I hate gym, can't last for a session. Firstly, I have never seen the scale move after weight training, I look better but that's it. Secondly, I prefer running outside, hate the treadmill. Lastly, I feel so sore the next day and sometimes my knee gets injured.

    Really? How hard are you weight training? I burn around 400 calories in an hour lifting weights.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Love the gym. Love to workout.

    But I will always have that self concious side that thinks people are looking at me, talking about me, and judging me.

    Thats just who I am.


    You know what, I get this feeling too. But I feel that way regardless actually. I don't think everyone feels like that, but it's normal enough. The problem is when it limits you from achieving your own goals (not that you said it was).

    Fact of the matter is, they probably aren't lol And if they are, I have to think about what I might have done to desearve it, which is truely nothing lol So that basically just makes them ridiculous, and not my problem right? When I think of it that way I care much, much less.

    I also f^&king love weight lifting, and I have a solid, real plan for what I'm doing in the gym and with my diet.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I don't know what you are talking about... the only thing that makes me struggle with/at the gym is the near 20 minute drive to get to one.
  • Why do men like to make generalized statements about women?

    I know not all men do that, but I am just making a generalization here.

  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    When I started this journey in June, I immediately got a personal trainer because I didn't just want to lose weight, I wanted to have muscle and be flexible and strong.

    Getting the food thing under control is a work in progress, but I never fail to see my trainer three times a week.

    I got a Charter Fitness membership yesterday so I could walk on the treadmill as the weather gets bad. I saw a girl my age in there who was just toned and muscular and strong looking. She was hot, hot, hot, and not in a traditional way. She was lifting weights and using machines without flinching or looking embarrassed or anything. She had a body I could have with some serious dedication. We were similar heights and shapes, but her muscles were just amazing. She was built like a brick wall.

    Definitely sparked something in me. I can't wait to get to a point where I've lost enough weight for some serious muscle definition to show.