I'm packing in the scale

Hi all; I’m a weigh-in-aholic ... I admit it. I weigh myself every single morning and tell myself it doesn't matter but whatever the result of stepping on that thing is it affects my day. So I've decided to break up with my scale ... well, temporarily break up with it at least. I weighed in this morning and I've put away the scale for the rest of September. If anyone is interested in doing the same feel free to join me. I'm sure we can think of other ways to measure our success for a while.


  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I have a very unhealthy relationship with my scale. So much so that when ours broke, my husband told me we aren't buying another one. He would catch me weighing myself five, six, seven times a day. When it broke it was almost freeing. I can't quite explain it. It's the same scale I've been weighing myself on since I was 14 (I'm 38). My mom started weighing me on it and we would write our weights down in the bathroom (at the time I was very healthy and in very good shape). So began my weight obsession.

    So having that particular scale break was one of the best things to happen to me on this journey. I only weigh myself now at the gym, once a week at most, sometimes only once every two weeks. I am focusing on how I feel, getting my exercise in and eating healthier foods. So I'm in this with you.

    We become so obsessed with that number that we lose sight of the real journey - becoming healthier.
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    Oddly enough, I'm doing the opposite in September. I am tracking my rolling average, which will require daily weigh-ins that are averaged in 3 day increments to give me an accurate weight trend for the month. Might be a good option for October if you are a weigh-in-oholic.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Good luck to you with this.
    I do not own a scale for the reason that I would get on it every day.... probably several times a day - and the number def. affects me for sure! I weigh once a month...
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I'm doing the same. I can weigh myself many times throughout the day, and find that monthly weigh-ins keep me honest. No more "oh, I'm down a little so I can eat that."

    Without the weighing, I have to trust the process of logging, and have way better results this way. I did the same thing in the spring, but weighing is a slippery slope and I'm bad to this bad habit.

    I'm in!
  • JKDLady
    JKDLady Posts: 131 Member
    I too used to weigh daily, and that would influence my day. Then I started weighing twice a week, but I still felt a little too obsessed with the scale.

    With the advice from a friend here (thanks mfpchris) I weigh three times a month - the 1st, 10th, and 20th. It seems to be enough time for me to make progress, but not so much that I lose focus on my goal. I also take my measurements on the 1st of each month.

    For me right now, it's a good compromise.

    Good luck to you!