it takes time, but time does make it easier. Just continue to take it one day, one meal at a time. It's not about falling off--but about getting back on--as often as you need to!
I'm so glad she is ok!
have had a couple of rough days. finding my motivation slagging. (is slagging a word?). I still have been logging, though.... question: thinking about a fit-bit, but need a waterproof version--a lot of my exercise is in the pool--easier on the joints. any suggestions? janet \
I'm a newbie, too. also in MN. at least the sub-zero temps and snow are gone for a couple of months.
:wink: about a week + in, and doing ok. some of the cravings are coming, but able to push them back for now. Logging my food and exercise. day by day. Janet eden prairie, MN
I like herbalife shakes with their extra protein powder. I make it with ice, water and extra vanilla. sometimes I add PB2 to the chocolate shakes. yum. can also add stevia to make it a little sweeter.