

  • thanks for sharing everyone :D It's a shame I can't change my striiv email as it is my main personal mail and don't want to share it randomly here, happy to send it to anyone who messages me though, I'd love to have some friends on there!
  • aw sweetheart!! this is the sort of thing I fear everyday, I wish I could give you a hug :( those guys are just complete jerks, like others have said, and the problem is totally to do with them and not you. You're doing a great thing for yourself at the moment, I hope you're feeling better now <3 xxx
  • I'm 5'3 and 127lbs last I checked, I only started using MFP around ten days ago and my scales have run out of batteries (or broken, I'm really hoping its just the batteries!) so I can't check if I've lost any weight. My goal is around 110lbs due to my having a very small frame. Every day so far I've been "under my calorie…
  • Wow, you're looking wonderful! I also loove your sleeveless shirt with the owls on as I have the same one just with a collar, I hope I can get to looking as good in it as you do! Congratulations on how well your effort has paid off :D