mybabyblue Member


  • Hi, I'm Deb, just started this today. I hope it works for me. I have real problems with just sitting at my desk all day and snacking on any thing salty crunchy like chips and snack mix. hope to break that trend. Today will be DD with protein drink for breakfast , lunch and chicken breast and green beans for dinner. how are…
  • Hi my name is Deb and I am going to start the Juddd plan on Monday. I hope to get my daughter on this also. I hope this works for as it has for others. was on Atkins and lost 43 lbs in 6 months then went on long vacation with hubby and gained most of it back. I think not being so restrictive every day will work better for…
  • Hi I,m Baby Blue and have tried diets for past 10 years I am 57 and 120 lbs over weight. I have lost 30 lbs since Feb. my goal is 5 lbs a month/ 60 in a year. I started with WW then changed to Atkins. This approach seems better to me. I need help with healthy menus for my planed weight loss goals. Grew up in Texas so our…