

  • Way to go, I love your attitude and thanks for the helpful tips, it is a lifetime chore, so it's best to work at as well as possible each day and if we slip up one day, get over it, turn the page and move on!! Paltee
  • That is so true, we have a tendency to be so hard on ourself, chances are that we are going to have to be carefull regarding what we eat for the rest of our lives, so we may as well be easier on ourself and try to make wise choices and include exercise in our daily routine. Paltee
  • There is no point in depriving yourself because if you do for a lengthy period of time, it will eventually end in binge of some sort. Keep it all in your daily calorie count and if a special occasion comes along, try to do more cardio exercise that day and the following day so as not to gain. It's a matter of adopting a…
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