

  • I completely understand where you're coming from. We are all here to support you! :) You CAN do it. :)
  • Way to go on getting yourself started! :) It's super hard to get motivation sometimes. I'm pretty new to this site myself... and everybody on here is very encouraging. So, I would like to just encourage you. :) You go girl!
  • I can understand not wanting to drink water, I think its awful tasting. I have a terrible addiction to Diet Pepsi. What I tell myself so that I make myself drink water is, I can not have anything else to drink unless, I drink at least one full glass of water. And what I can say about getting yourself motivated to work…
  • Hey, I'm MaryAnna. I'm really working to lose the weight I need to lose. I'm an aspiring actress, and I have a super hard time losing weight if i don't have support, I hope to find that on here. :)