

  • I am on 1200 a day, and have found that when I add my exercising for the day it adds more caloried I can have. So if you want to eat more exercise more! also drink a lot, it helps flush the system and feel full. 1200 a day, just doesn't seem like enough. snacking healthy does make me not get so hungry between my meals.…
  • I can tell you that at 50 I just decided not exercising has not helped me accomplish my weight loss goals, and I am getting flabbier every year. 4 weeks a go a friend invited me to a bootcamp. I have known people who do bootcamps,they are extreme fitness people. or so I thought. I found one that is in my neighborhood,…
  • at 50 I decided it was REALLY time to do something about my weight. Thanks for sharing your story! No more excuses! Can't wait to see where I am in a year. of course, my ultimate is goal is where you started dear lady!:smile: GREAT job! congratulations on all your hard work!