

  • I use a 15lb kettlebell currently. I've read that 26lb is a good starting weight for women typically. I started lower because I'm barely 5 feet tall, it all depends on your fitness level. I might have gotten discouraged starting at a higher weight - I find the exercises very difficult. But I love it, they are so much fun!…
  • Here I bumped into this link while reading something else: It specifically refers to it as weight training and says you should couple it with cardio workouts. is a great source of information with highly professional staff, I…
  • I would love to do this too...I've had a few "starts and stops" to try and get better at running. I have a question that is something that has been somewhat of a deterrent for me: When you are at the beginning of a program and have all the run/walk intervals, how to do you keep track? I want to run outside and not on a…