

  • Heya, I was in the same situation sitting at 82kg that I crawled up to over about a year been trying to get it back down to 76kg. Cutting out stuffing my face at weekends got me down to 78.2 but I have been bouncing up and down between the 2 for the last few months. Decided on Monday to get rid of it once and for all and…
  • Hi, From Northern Ireland and measure in kgs also. Jon.
  • Sorry about starting your Monday morning off depressing you with my plan, unintended :) Thanks for confirming my plan is on the right track reassuring to know. Jon.
  • Thanks for the quick replies, really appreciate the information. I will carry on as planned and see how it goes, hopefully I'm doing it right but I guess time will tell, I can always change things as I monitor my progress. I am new to weight loss but if anyone has a moment and would care to share any views on my initial…