I have been told to run on non hard surfaces - so if you are jogging along the footpath, try and get onto the grass.. It's better if you have supportive shoes too, they don't have to be expensive, just do the job - Support you in your fitness. I wouldn't do anything that is actually causing pain - thats the body's sign…
I find the exact same thing.. What I have been doing is A) not buying the junk food - if it's not there, I can't eat it B) Eating good healthy good regularly in meals and making sure I have breakfast C) Allowing myself to snack on healthy things, like carrots. If I eat 1kg (exaggeration) or carrots in a study session, it's…
Remember: It's a minimum or 1200 calories you should be having EVERYDAY! You can put your body into starvation mode (so weight GAIN!). It's great that you're out and about running, BUT if you are eating so few calories, you could be doing more harm than good. I recommend (with no knowledge of your physical condition, no…
Hi, Im 20 and am in pretty much the same boat. I think the best idea is to set a goal, something that you really really want and that you will actively go out of your way to get... For me, this is a gorgeous dress, I so badly want to fit into it & its deffs worth loosing weight for. Whats your motivation? lots of hugs xx