

  • I think I just need to Vent. I was extremely good all of this week and nada weight loss. I've literally been stuck at the same weight for 2 years now and nothing. I went on a gluten and wheat free diet a while ago (my nutritionist suggestion) and in the whole month I was on it I didn't lose a single pound. I am getting…
  • I got diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16. I have had one natural period in my life (I'm 22). I find weight loss IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! The only time I lost weight was when I practically lived on broccoli. I'm hoping maybe even cutting back on white carbs may help lose a few pounds. I'm also doing some jogging at least 3 times a…
  • I'm just finished university and am 22. Alcohol is the bane of existence. It tricks you into thinking you NEED that cheeseburger at 4am to stay alive!
  • Hey I'm 22 and 28 lbs minimum to lose :)