

  • I see everybody posting on protein shakes.. and i use one that tastes like a cake mix.. and its very nutritional for you! I have tried so many other ones out there and they all tasted so horrible! I lost 50 lbs and feel amazing right now ( im 5'11 and 185 lbs) .. one other thing that people do not realize that the…
  • My father is a diabetic and has lost 20 some lbs in the last month simply doing healthy protein shakes for breakfast and lunch ..then eating a fairly healthy meal! The doctor has cut back on alot of his medications (insulin,etc) and was encouraged by the results he's having from using them! I can also attest.. im not…
  • Ok.. first off i want to know what someone has against an MLM..? Because every single business out there is a MLM.. Take mc donalds for instance .. at the bottom you have employees.. above them mgr..above them owner.. above them corporation.. Secondly you guys/gals really should check your facts on the ingredients before…
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