

  • I usually run on a treadmill but the most I can run is usually half a mile before i need to fast walk, re-catch my breath and then run again. I tried running outside a few weeks ago and I wore out much quicker...probably only made it 1/4 of a mile. That being said, after 2 and half months of working out on the treadmill…
  • Thank you everyone for your comments! I just had a physical with blood work done a month ago so I don't think there is anything seriously wrong with me that would require medical attention I just figure I am doing something wrong and that's why my legs hurt lol When i jog it feels like I have an extra 5 lbs strapped to…
  • I've been taking in 1200 calories a day. I do stretch but maybe I'm not stretching enough? I only stretch for a couple of minutes. I walk for about 3 minutes before I start jogging. Thanks for the link to the article. I'm going to check it out now!
  • When your 7 year old outswims you. That was my wake up call!
  • I was always the same way. I started eating high fiber and protein cereals like Kashi Go Lean or Special K with a banana and it keeps me full for 4 hours! Prior to that I was hungry 2 hours after eating in the morning.