KittyMul Member


  • I know a lot of people don't agree with this, but if you're going to have a "cheat" day, don't track it. In my experience, you'll just feel guilty and it's not worth it. If you're going to give yourself the freedom of a cheat day, give yourself complete freedom and don't worry about tracking. After all, the point of it is…
  • I lost 7lb last week, it was my first week of switching to Paleo. Same calories, just different foods. Big losses, especially at the start of a new program, are usually mostly water weight.
  • I live in Australia, so can't help you out much on specific brands. But generally, first go for a bra with separate cups (not a crop-top style) and a cross-over/racer back. Wide straps are good too because they don't dig in. I like mine nice and strapped in so I do go a size smaller. Then I wear a crop top over that one,…
  • I just put a spoon of chia seeds in my mouth and swallow them with some water, like a tablet. Keeps me full all morning!
    in Chai seeds Comment by KittyMul May 2012
  • You could try not logging until the end of the day for a while. So eat what you feel is about right and then at the end of the day, add everything up and see how you went. When you feel more confident with that, you could try not tracking for a week and see how you go. If you gain/lose too much, then go back to tracking…
  • So. Awesome. Congratulations!
    in Shop Comment by KittyMul March 2012
  • This!
  • Thanks for the reply :) I completely agree, I definitely don't want it to get worse. That's what I'm asking - what are the best things to do that won't hurt it! My default is to run and train hard, I don't really know any gentle exercises. I've never worked out in a pool, I wouldn't have a clue what to do! Obviously…
  • Nobody?? Bumpity bump!
  • Use your stairs! Sprints, push ups, tricep dips, step ups, hip raises - stairs are a great tool for loads of activities.
  • I've taken prescription weight loss pills in the past and they can be a really effective tool for giving you that extra boost. You have to be aware that aren't "magic". You still need to eat well and exercise, they'll just make it a little easier and give you slightly bigger losses. For me, it was a great help when I was…
  • I recently had something similar - heavy bleeding on all but about three days of the month. I went to see a specialist and it turned out that I had some extra uterine tissue growing on my cervix which was being over stimulated by the pill. The simply solution was to stop the pill, bleeding stopped after the usual 5 days.…
  • I quite often have a few squares of goof quality dark chocolate at the end of the day when I have calories left over, it's actually very good for you :) Maybe try eating a few more higher fat/calorie foods during the day. Avocados, nuts and dairy are all higher in calories but are really good for you. Your body will be…
  • If you don't smell, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not a smelly person (and I don't mean that rudely, I just don't get BO!), so I don't worry about running errands or going to class after the gym. If you're worried, just spray on some extra deodorant and bring a hoodie or something that you can throw on over the top.
  • I met my last BF at 260+ lb and he always told me my weight didn't matter - I lost 90lb and *then* he cheated on me. A douche will always be douche, no matter what size you are when you meet them! Likewise, a good guy will be good to you no matter your size :)
  • I know exactly what you mean. There's something about it, like being on a diet is an admission that you're unhappy with your body or that you're weak enough to need it. I don't know exactly what it is, but I hate it. Even now, when I've clearly lost a lot of weight and I've worked bloody hard to do it, I quite often find…
  • ... These aren't the lyrics?? :blushing: Other classics that I STILL get teased for: "It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll" -ACDC became "It's a long way to the shop if you wanna a sausage roll" (thanks Dad!) "She move in mysterious ways" - U2 became "Shamu! The mysterious whale" "You're where you should…
  • I ate really poorly for a long time so I don't think I'm in any position to judge! Just because I'm healthy now doesn't give me licence to go around judging other people or harping on to them about how unhealthy they are. If someone asks me for advice, I'll give it to them, but otherwise, it's not my place. Even if it's…
  • Ugh, I did this too! I got so depressed one afternoon, thought 'I'm going to be fat forever, I might as well accept it' and put all my gorgeous skinny clothes in the charity bin at the end of my street. Well, all those clothes would be too big for me now, but I sure could have used them along the way! Keep them,…
  • Sames - I'm a Perthite (Perthian?) too! I don't surf though, in fact just the thought of me on a surfboard makes me laugh a bit. But I do love the beach, can't wait to get out there once uni exams are over! Good luck, I hope you find some more surfer girls!
  • It IS cute! You look gorgeous in both pictures, but even more so now - well done!
  • I just made this - delicious! Will definitely be a favourite from now on.
  • I can't really see any veggies in there! Aim for two fruit and five veg a day, they'll fill you up and you'll be getting healthier as well as slimmer. Hang in there, I quite often go through weeks where I don't lose much or anything at all and then I'll have a big loss. The body works in mysterious ways!
  • Hi there! I'm from the West Coast of Australia, I've been MFP'ing for about a year (or something like that...). Cottee's and DietRite make really good sugar free cordials, they got me in to drinking water when I hated it! They were also handy to tackle sugar cravings. Good luck :)
  • Agreed. I've taken Duromine in the past and even mentioning around here will get people's backs up (I've been flatly told I don't deserve my weight loss). I'm not on it right now and I haven't instantly put all my weight back on but I know a lot of people do. You need to be very aware of what you're eating when you come…
  • The first thing I do when I get to uni every day is order a jumbo skinny latte. It fills me up til lunch time and has lots of calcium, which is vital to fat loss. I quite often have a latte with my breakfast too. Actually, I quite often only have a latte for breakfast. Love, love, love coffee and it's never affected my…
  • The lunchbox classic! Toasted cheese and vegemite sarnies are even better, they always remind me of coming home from Saturday sports in winter, cold and wet, and warming up with hot Milo and Vegemite toasties. But still... white toast with butter and vegemite and a cup of tea - this will always be my comfort food!
  • I do this quite frequently actually! Usually I don't have food in the house that I know will be a problem for me - but sometimes a little thing called life gets in the way. For instance, recently I bought some cooking chocolate because me and my friends were going to make brownies at the party I was having. I didn't…
  • I get really, really hungry for three or four days before but when it comes, I don't really feel like eating. Except I do get cravings for a big, juicy steak - no mysteries there! I usually allow myself to eat maybe 200 more calories a day when I'm in the hungry phase, just keep it healthy, wholesome foods.