bradlette Member


  • For me, it was JimmyJohns. I would order their largest sub and two bags of chips. Enough calories for the whole day, but afterwards, I would be starving, and wish for a whole other round!! It's one of the ways I have resisted this meal, because I just tell myself, "well, you'll be just as hungry, or maybe more, so after…
  • Ditto! Eating paleo releases me from a kind of bondage where I constantly want more starch. It's such a relief.
  • Well, this is a topic near and dear to my heart, because I was a vegetarian for 18 years. I first started Paleo several years ago to clear up skin issues, and it was very hard to get used to eating meat regularly, even though it made me feel amazing. Some days, I had "meat fatigue" and just couldn't bring myself to prepare…
  • Good one, made me laugh. I will tell this to my boyfriend, who always cautions me not to eat too much meat, but thinks cavemen jokes are hilarious.
  • Thanks for posting the photos. They are really inspiring! Great job!!!!!
  • Hey that's great! Good luck! I have just completed 4 weeks of fairly strict lacto-paleo (though I "cheated" today). I was interested in the whole30 philosophy, but didn't investigate it too thoroughly. No weighing or measuring? That's a great idea. How do you stop yourself from doing this, though? I keep "checking." I know…
  • Haha, not TMI for me. This topic is one of the reasons I am doing paleo, since I have had problems with constipation & the ills that go along with that since I was in my early 20s. When I first started paleo after being a vegetarian for 18 years, I was shocked by my incredibly "loose" bathroom visits. However, after a week…
  • Hi! I first started doing Paleo in 2005 to clear up my 20- year cystic acne. It worked amazingly! However, over the intervening years, I slacked off considerably. I pursued a computer career, became very sedentary, and started drinking alcohol pretty heavily. I would say that I did paleo about 15/85 - the reverse ratio of…