

  • I have to say...aside from the fact that the food is processed...obviously, there has been a lot of negative commentary about having lost weight and then gaining it all back. I have to say that it's probably because individuals did not use the transition plan and then the maintenance plan properly. You still need to…
  • Correction...nutrisystem D plan is based on ADA guidelines for diabetics. Sorry for the misinformation.
  • I actually ordered my first 28 days today because of the deal that ends by the end of the month. Let me tell you that I am not usually one for packaged programs and prefer actually cooking my own food or preparing fresh foods. Here is why I chose Nutrisystem... I have had great success with weight watcher's and I lost 32…
  • Thanks...all good points. I was supposed to do day 2 of the program this morning but along with the weather (pouring rain) and my soreness I decided to wait. I have been stretching but I definitely need to drink more water. Maybe tomorrow I will just walk instead. No need to rush the program. Thanks for your suggestions.
  • Thanks, AllyBird82! Definitely need the motivation! I have started going to the gym. In fact, I had a trainer "walk-through" of the equipment last week. Today was my first official day so I'm just getting warmed up. Today, I worked on arms and did some basic cardio (treadmill...walking) to warm up. However, I also plan on…
  • 36 and definitely looking for friends and motivation...maybe even a cheering section... I have about 62 pounds to lose and I'm not hesitating in getting started. Want to join me?