

  • If you are eating 30min prior to workout eat fast digesting carbs (apples, bananas, other fruits). If it is 60-120 minutes prior, eat slow digesting carbs (whole grains). Some do take a scoop of whey protein prior to working out so that while they are strength training their muscles, the muscles already have access to…
  • Also check the level of resistance set for the machines such as the elliptical or bike. If you leave it at the minimum, usually level 1, then you will not burn as many calories as someone who places the resistance midway or towards the high end. Burning 500 calories in 30 minutes and this is quite a feat unless you have…
  • I would suggest taking Casein protein prior to going to bed. It is a slow absorbing protein and will help your muscles rebuild while you sleep and your body is not receiving nutrition through regular eating at that time. Optimum Nutrition makes a descent powder. I have also heard of people eating cereal high in fiber and…