I don't because it has me gaining every time, which is not what's actually happening. I emailed Support to see if there was a way to turn it off - there isn't - so I just don't bother clicking the "complete this entry" button.
This is perfectly timed, I just joined a 30 by Thanksgiving challenge group on FB. Also, I'm on new migraine meds that make me really thirsty and I'm supposed to be drinking extra fluids anyway :) Can we count any liquids that aren't sugar-laden, or just actual water? (As I drink my second 24 oz coffee - no sweeteners,…
You may also want to check out the movie FatHead. It was originally done as an answer to Supersize Me (which I refuse to watch) but it has some really interesting information about how (most people's) bodies handle carb, why low fat diets aren't great for you, and why low carb/high protein works the way it does.
So how do I interpret that when I'm 5'5" with a 6.5" wrist measurement?
Implantation is usually 7-10 days after ovulation. So, depending on how sensitive the test is and how fast you are producing the hormones, you can probably start trying at around day 10. As a fun side note, the tests at The Dollar Store are some of the most sensitive on the market.
I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate that saying.
Would you consider these an acquired taste? Do some brands taste better than others? I'd never had them before, but since I'm eating reduced carbs (<100/day) and I have seen so many peole rave about them, I thought I'd give them a try. They're a little weird to me, and I'm not sure I could eat a lot of them. Maybe they'd…
I second the pro-biotic suggestion. You can get a brand called "Pearl" at a lot of grocery stores (especially Whole Foods) or, if your local store doesn't have it, you can order it online. It doesn't have to be refrigerated, which is a huge plus.
Since I can't have any artificial sweeteners (and I don't like the taste of Stevia) I started using Any Whey by Optimum Nutrition. It's unflavored, unsweetened, and very fine powder, so you can mix it into almost anything.
I like Any Whey protein powder by Optimum Nutrition - it is unflavored, and doesn't have any artificial sweeteners in it. (They give me migraines, so this is a huge selling point for me!) You can find it on amazon.