

  • Salmon is my favorite fish, sometimes I grill it on the barb e que with a little Mrs. Dash (Garlic and herbs) or bake in the oven with some lemon slices on top and some pepper ( not a big pepper fan but my husband is) and then I put asparagus stalks in with it :)
  • So happy for you Becky! Just getting ready for the pool. I may call you later . Chow! LOL
  • Thanks Becky , you and I seem to be on the same log in schedual. I tried one of the kale chips you brought yesterday ,yummy. I really am finding alot of different ways to eat with this detox. Hummus on spinach leaves, TASTY. I did have a dream about a donut last night, it was crazy. Bigger than a foot long sandwich and…
  • Yea Bre,14 #down! yipee skippy , seven days and 7 pounds off!!!! waist 3 " smaller and hips 1" down. Now here goes week 2 of 21 day detox! No more starchy carbs:ohwell: , let the challange begin, we can do it!:bigsmile:
  • okey dokey artichokie
  • Distraction is my middle name today, finished a book too. Told my husband tonight I'm going to get my guitar out and try relearning how to play.:smokin: Probably should work on Christmas cards and wrapping instead. Have a good weekend and I'll see ya Monday
  • Hi Becky, just logging in with daily food tracks, just got home from our usual weekend trip to see my son at his Quik Trip (hes a roving manager) sooooooo I got my QT pineapple,papaya, green tea :happy: while my husband went and raided the discount doughnut, soda pop, tocitos, and chocolate milk :(:grumble: He actually…
  • :laugh: :love: and live!
  • last night was a little harder... I knew the weekend was going to be the challenge. Im sticking to it though and this morning I got into the cleaning mode and its so satisfiying to see more organization and not be in the kitchen area. Getting ready to have my shake and continue laundry and cleaning. If this keeps up I…
  • being tech challanged , im trying to get there, just logging food is done at end of day. I did weigh yesterday and showed i ve lost 4 pounds. Feel fine with exception of breaking a rib and not beeing able to do my regular exercise. Ive been doing the shakes with just water and ice which tastes great. last 4 months i had…
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