

  • I'm up 3 pounds. Sigh. I kind of expected it and I'm glad it's not more, but it's still disappointing. I have work to do in the gym these next 2 weeks!!
  • Thanks for posting this Ms.JayeKaye! I will post my weigh in tomorrow because I didn't get to weigh myself in the morning like I normally do. Also nice work! 4.8 pounds is awesome! And EllyG08 sorry to hear you didn't lose! I hate how the food can mess is up so much! But don't worry! I'm sure you can work it right on off!…
  • Yes!!! Push through because it will eventually move! One day at a time! One pound at a time!
  • I catch myself doing this same thing sometimes! Then I go crazy when my weight fluctuates up or down by a pound or 2!