I think you're confusing 'dislike' with 'fear'. To clarify, I 'dislike' spaghetti... I'm not afraid of it. Don't even get me started about the amount of fire extinguisher related violence we have up here in Canada. From December to March, we have so many drive-by extinguishing that tourists mistake it for snow. And first…
Statistically speaking, you're naive thinking bad things WILL happen to you... and even more-so to think that a gun will solve anything.
Whoops, my bad. I meant to put the link in at the bottom of the post. I'll edit it to include it, and also put it here. Note that I found other sources, but this site had the cleanest display. Some organization had also done a very nice line graph over the last 50(?) years, but of course I can't find it when I need it.…
I couldn't imagine living in a society that is so full of fear. The difference between American's and the rest of the first world is that you expect the worst from people, and everyone else suspects the best.…
Tattoo across my stomach. I've still got a ways to go, but it's something I've always said I'd do if I got a flat stomach. Plus, it will be a motivator to keep the tummy flat :)