Yes. I work in the world of Academia and have a lot of African students on the Social Work degree programme. Through discussion, it seems that many indigenous Africans do not accept Black people born outside of Africa (especially those of us born on the Western side of the World) as truly African. In addition, those of us…
I agree with you to some degree, but...there is scope for further reflection. It is impossible to raise a child to be "colour-blind" in today's World. I did not educate my son about Racism as such, and he paid the price for it. In the UK Racism and Slavery etc is not taught in schools, though we have the odd "visitor" to…
So, if you were to be repatriated "back to Africa", do you think the Africans would see ans accept you as African? I think it would be challenging..
Um...forgot to add that I have the same diet and body issues as anyone else, despite being a British, Black woman of Jamaican heritage! Lol. How much you want to bet that some "EggHead" in Academia or Research comes up with an idea that the colour of our skin, or our ethnicity impacts on our weight loss efforts and…
Wow...what an interseting discussion. Though I hesitate to think what I would be called...I am BLACK, BRITISH, of JAMAICAN parentage. Jam-british, Jam-english??? Why oh why cant the world be a simple place to live in?? I love the colour of my skin and welcome being noted as a Black woman, definitely not coloured! But the…