

  • I was diagnosed a few years ago, and at the time my doctor said if I wanted to lose weight I'd "have to work a lot harder". Having had a baby, and having trouble losing the weight, I started mfp in November and have lost 11 of the 25/30 that I want to lose. So, it's not impossible!! I am on synthroid to help my thyroid and…
  • I agree, i am not going to blame my whole weight gain on my thyroid, my choices had something to do with it for sure. I think it's just finding a balance between medication, food choices and exercise. It's nice to see you all have been having success!
  • Hey there! I was diagnosed in 2006 with underactive thyroid. At the time my doctor told me weight loss wasn't impossible but I would "have to work harder". I had just gained 10 pounds and was trying to get it off. I went on synthroid, a very low dose and the blood work all came back fine. I got pregnant with my third, gave…
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