llama726 Member


  • Univ. of Kansas (go Jayhawks) - I attend the Med. Center!
  • Don't get discouraged. A few years ago, I dropped about 50-60 pounds and I remember it being way easier than this time around has been, but I think we romanticize the past. At the beginning of this, I only lost a couple pounds in the first week or two, then had about seven drop off the next week. "Stay the course!"
  • Maybe not boring, but it's intimidating at first for sure - I didn't have a clue what you could eat, and don't have the money to buy books or the time to collect the advice. It's really not impossible to get healthy while still having some processed foods, as long as you're mindful. Eating without as many processed foods…
  • Eat more protein with your evening meal maybe? I used to have a big problem with night snacking but I've shifted toward a higher protein meal in the evening (I usually am carb-heavier in the morning and eat more protein in the evening after exercise sessions). At any rate, the more protein I have proportionally in my…
  • Great advice already in this thread. A couple things worked for me: Set a schedule and will yourself through workouts for two weeks (enough time to set habits), and find a cardio activity that you LIKE. I have a gym membership and I go once or twice a week to do weights, some cardio, etc.. I will expand that more later,…
  • I'm new here, but for myself, it's always been habits basically. I found myself eating even when I wasn't hungry or justifying overeating by saying I'd go run, then not doing anything active (or when I did active things, it just killed me). It's really all about habits. 14 little days of working = new habits. It doesn't…