This is a very interesting thread, thank you for posting this information, and I am very new to this, but according to this equation, I end up with 912 so perhaps I am reading it wrong. 10x weight in kg 730 6.25x height in cm 992 3 x age 170 730 + 992 - 170 - 161 = 1391 1391 x 1.375 = 1912.625 1912.625 - 1000 = 912.625…
Well, for my very first post on here, what better topic than tea! I was a black tea drinker from the age of 2 (yes really). Twinnings Assam was my favourite, stong and full bodied. But about 18 months ago, I weaned myself off of that and on to green tea, I did this for health reasons (migraines) but the all-round health…