

  • No not really and i know that can cause UTI's and all the other side effects but i have a bottle next to me and are forceing it down. I have no appitite due to adipex so i forget to have my H2O thanks and by the way you look awesome! I hope I could look as good someday.
  • Tell me about it I can say I have changed my diet drastically example no cokes no carbs no sugar no snacks no late night eating basically no fun. I have been doing lots of cardio. So in away iam surprised and in away not. Iam pretty sure next week ill come to a stand still. Infact all the pool exercise could explain the…
  • I know the Adipex can cause headaches nausea and dizzy, but my doc said that after a couple of weeks this would subside. Iam trying to stay under 1200 calories and i do water aerobics, and walk an hour in the pool. Due to recent back surgery and severe Asthma extreme work outs are not an option. I f it was not for Adipex I…
  • 1.kleenex tissues(allergies) 2. nail polish (100 degrees outside), 4.H2O 5. bong just joking about #5........or am i?
  • I have been fat to skinny to fat again and currently trying to lose 100lbs in a year due to my doctors advise. I feel these people are moody because they are hungry all the time and envy that we are pleasant being plump. J/J I think all the positive attention people get from losing weight like anything goes straight to…
  • :yawn: :yawn: Not feeling motivated today, anyone else? I have my meal plan made out i just dont feel likr doing laps in the pool.
  • Have you considered adipex it was recomended to me by my OBGYN to lose 100 lbs. I too am a home mom and busy I have been takeing Adipex for 3 days and it feel it has helped some. I live in Texas and recently had major back surgery so excersise is out I do laps in the pool however. Good Luck!