sabrinaguinn Member


  • Very true haha. I won't have to calorie count as much when I completely shift to healthy foods. I wish I loved running! I usually get to a jog at most but my anxiety gets really bad if people watch me run. :( I'm glad you've gotten all the benefits with something you enjoy doing!
  • Pcos puts me at risk to become diabetic. I hope I can get it under control with weight loss. It looks like you've gotten off to a great start! Any changes in your symptoms?
  • I have had chronic back pain for the last 5 years. Have you found any pain easing exercises? My medicine is the only thing that gets me through workouts and fatigue. I fear the day I might get taken off it.
  • I've just learned how beneficial small goals can be. It's easy to focus on how far away the long run is but the short goals come sooner and often bring more motivation. Sometimes it is hard to stay on track with nutrition. I falter there and try to make up for it with exercise but I know my true results will be better when…
  • Awe :( stress makes weight loss difficult. But you definitely deserve the change! Not only for yourself but for your babies. You can still love food and be healthy! My love for food and cooking has resulted in some awesome dishes. Your happiness is number one :) and you are worth it
  • I'm sorry that happened to you. Cheating is a coward thing to do to somebody. If anything after you've made the investment in yourself to fitness she'll most likely regret her decision, but you'll be in a better place by then surely :)
  • Haha! I have a sixth sense for when a camera is pointed at me I swear! I'm so glad for you! I pray that you make a full recovery! I would be so sad to not have my long distance walks!
  • Definitely! I hope he does run into you! It'll be an awesome feeling. And you'll most likely have someone else on your arm too :p I feel the same. One day something just clicked. It didn't click before and I feel that's why I failed. But once it does click its awesome. :)
  • I imagine that would be quite the wake up call. :( I never realized the impact my weight made in my pcos until I researched it and found out what it could cause. Health nightmares. It really is an awakening above others.
  • I avoid pictures like the plague. So when I see one that someone else took my confidence tends to.. well. Die. So you're a teacher then?
  • Added you both! Thank you for the support!
  • Boy meets world.. Alf.. That 70s show Breaking bad haha
  • Aw. :( when I look at pictures I feel bad too. But itll be okay. Nice thin vow renewal photos in your future right? :)
  • Will do :) Thanks!