

  • maybe try uping bed time? ours are in bed by 8:00 we do our 40 minute work out shower and in bed by 9:30/9:45 at the latest.
  • can you see their room from the living room? maybe use a baby gate and some toys to keep them occupied? Also do they take naps, i know you said your living room was small but maybe if they are sleeping you might be able to move some furniture around to make it work. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and well and a 1 1/2 year old so i…
  • i noticed my body does this (gain 3 pounds from one day to the next) when i dont drink enough water. i like to weigh every morning and sometimes at night as well but thats only so i know what i can expect in the morning. i only log it weekly though.
  • Love my Nike Fuel band! its a great motivator!!!
  • I only asked to get a better idea of how you are keeping track of your supply. If it seems like baby starts to feed more often and longer than that might be an indication of your supply dropping and you would definitetly want to up your calories. Its all gonna depend on how long youve been nursing, how old your baby is and…
  • 1400 range seems low for someone who is nursing. Are you pumping to keep track of your milk production or just going off of how often baby eats?
  • Awesome goal!!! My husband and i are doing the grand canyon for our anniversary in October. I think total it will be 30-40 miles of hiking but that's over a period of 4 days. To prepare we just hit as many local mountains here as often as we can. We are also doing insanity. Good questions I'm interested to know as well,…
  • Great job! I'm on week 2 day 3 and it totally helps to have someone to do it with.
  • Awesome job on month 1! I can't wait till i can say I've made it half way :) I'm on week 2 day 3, taking it one day at a time. Mentally i can't think about another 6 weeks so i just focus on doing my best at todays workout to get me through.
  • good question, i was wondering the same thing.
  • Thank you and no hrm. So far i see the fuel band as more of a workout motivator. It tracks activity by motion and generically calulates calories burned. I was hoping the mfp had the workout videos logged as activities but it looks like you would need to add each indivual exercise and rep.
  • hi im new to myfitnesspal. i started insanity a week ago, i was wondering how did you or how do you plan on logging it as an exercise? Also i should add im using the nike fuel band, it gives me a generic calorie burn per day. do you think it would be best/ most accurate to log my activity through what my nike fuel band…