sandra68 Member


  • I had a bad day today too... I have been very good not eating junk at work but today there was CAKE! Its been long time since cake with frosting went in this mouth... and now.. I know why. It was just a very very small piece but well a very very small brownie too, but it did not agree with me. Lesson learned. Not worth it…
  • Thanks all. I only weigh myself one day a week. Wednesdays... I thought Saturday but that just gives me the weekend to mess up more than i already do. I just have to remember.. even if I am not losing more than 3lbs as long as I am losing that is all that matters right? Eating healthy and getting to my goal weight slowly..…
  • I was bummed too. But then again gives me a chance to watch Lost without flippin the stations.
  • My sister made this cake and topped with cool whip and frozen (thawed of course) strawberries. Yummy.
  • Fozzy33.. I bought mine at Bed Bath & Beyond for $20.00 It's the biggest loser one. I am so glad I got it too.. 3oz of meat is more than I thought it was.
  • I might just have to break down and pay the 50bucks for Biggest Loser. I like the Wii fit and fit plus but just seems like I don't get a 'workout"... step aerobics just doesn't last that long so you have to start again! And i have no rhythm anymore I guess.. but I love the ski jump! Good luck and have fun.
  • Thanks for all the advise Eva! I have "fallen off the wagon" so to speak. Working out 4 days a week and eating better and gaining 2 lbs just made me give up. Weekends stink for me... always on the go eating out. I try to cut down on my milk intake too.. as I usually drink tons of it. I did good with the south beach diet…
    in New Comment by sandra68 October 2009