acampbe2umd Member


  • I get up at 4 and I'm walking into my gym by 4:10. I do better on an empty stomach, but I do have a protein shake immediately after my workout and then my regular breakfast about an hour after that.
  • There is a board that I participated in while pregnant that was great!
  • I wore tri shorts and a tri top (basically a sports bra) for the swim and added layers on top of that before getting on the bike.
  • I would incorporate some shorter tempo runs.
  • I love Ragnar! I've only ever done road versions as well, Great River to be exact! Yes, strong headlamp is a must! Ours is in the middle of nowhere on gravel roads, so it can get really dark and I often can barely see in front of me. As I tell people who are considering it. It's not physically challenging if you run, but…
  • Granted I don't run marathons, but I do half marathons, ragnar, sprint triathlons, etc. I lift heavy and enjoy it. There are times, when it has to take a back burner to my cardio training and that just makes me cranky, so if you can keep it up, I would! Also, proper fueling for your runs is so important, this is not a time…
  • MN here, so our temps get fairly extreme. I prefer cold weather running tights on bottom, layers on top. Tank, l/s tee, running jacket, if it's really cold, I'll also throw on a warmer outer layer, ear protection and gloves.
  • How are you measuring fat loss to know that you're not losing fat?
  • No, I wouldn't engage in traditional exercise while wearing one of my children. I have run with my children in a jogging stroller and pushed them on walks. I've placed bouncers next to me on the floor while I've completed a separate workout, but I can't think of anything that would be safe to do while physically wearing…
  • I don't know to what degree you have extra skin, so keep that in mind with regards to my experience. Of my 3 deliveries, my last two were c's in 2010 and 2013. I only have one side of my incision that is puckered in a sense. Maybe if I had an extremely low body fat and was really shredded, it would disappear, but I still…
  • Most jogging strollers are designed to accommodate a child up to 50lbs. Just be cautious that you get an actual jogging stroller where the front wheel either locks or is always locked. In terms of brands, there are several out there at varying price points. Instep and Baby Expedition on the lower end work just as well as a…
  • I like to consider myself an experienced lifter (been doing it in various form for roughly 20 years) and I have to say I tried NROL4W a few years ago to change up my routine as well and I was eh on it. I think its a good routine for a newbie because its very detailed and provides a lot of good base information, but I…
  • A lot of good information already provided, the only thing that I would add is about running smarter. I also lift and run (keep my races to half marathons typically or less). Based on my schedule, I lift a split 4 day schedule and I run mostly 3 days a week, but 2 of those runs are in the 3-4 mile range in a tempo run…
  • I've tried several and decided on the camelback that is a waist pack, not backpack style. It does get warm, but if it's hot, it seems everything is warm. I hated that I couldn't cinch the backpack style enough not to flop around. I spent a lot of time in REI and tried a bunch on and made sure to run a bit around the…
  • I'm also a runner and I lift heavy, but I had to switch to a lifting split of upper/lower to accommodate my running. I don't follow a standard lifting program; however I have in the past. I just back off if need be to stick with my training plan. Also while I know a lot of people don't do cardio on lifting days, there are…
  • I agree, it will be trial and error for you. I typically try for my macros to be 40/30/30 for carb/protein/fat, but this hasn't been getting the job done after having my third child. I just bumped up my protein and reduced carbs to 35/35/30 to see how my body responds. Also, calories will depend on your height/weight etc,…
  • I wouldn't necessarily just automatically go up a size. I say it depends on the toe box. Some brands I'm able to wear my normal size and some I need to size up. I'm fortunate enough to be a neutral runner, so I go with whatever I'm comfortable in. I can always tell if the shoes I purchased are wrong by how my knees feel.…
  • I have 3 kids and a husband who also works out before work, so I have to go at 4. Like others, I plan the night before what I'm going to do and have my gym things ready. I totally drag some mornings, but others I wake up before my alarm. It will take a few weeks to get used to it, but I promise you will get used to it. Now…
  • To save, you can also go with what they recommend, but get a previous year's model. But yes, definitely go in to find out what kind of runner you are and determine what kind of shoe you need.
  • Have you replaced your shoes at all from your earlier training to your more recent training?
  • I was one of those that purchased a tummy sleeve (motherhood maternity's version of a Bella band). I purchased pants one size larger than my normal size and used those with the sleeves to get me throughout my pregnancies for babe 1 and 3. The larger pants helped me transition post partum as well. Even if your weight goes…
  • First off, it will be hard to get advice because everyone will gain weight differently, i.e. at different times during their pregnancies. And furthermore, every pregnancy on the same person will also gain differently. Don't stress the weight gain unless your doctor has indicated you need to. Just make sure to get enough…
  • Of course there's hope! I actually have always worked out. I started lifting 20 years ago in high school and I've been doing it on and off since, mostly on. I lifted and did cardio all the way through all of my pregnancies and started working out again right after I was cleared from my OB. And I would say it will take…
  • I say it depends on how much loose skin you have before resorting to surgery. I have had 3 kids and was able to get a tight stomach after the first two and I'm still working on my last baby, but she's only 1. It definitely takes time and my workouts have needed to evolve to be more effective as I've gotten older and had…
  • Height - 5'7" 2008 - Baby#1 - I weighed 142 pre-pg and gained 43lbs while pregnant. I lifted and worked out my entire pregnancy. I was down to 148 at my 2 weeks post partum appointment (read - I had ended up with major stitches and had to have permanent sutures removed). I got to 142 around 10 months pp and even dropped to…
  • I'm assuming based on this statement that you've previously had children and breastfed them. Having 3 kids and breastfeeding, I was one of those where it didn't just melt fat away, so hopefully you're aware of how it will impact your body based on experience versus what people say is "normal" with regards to breastfeeding.…
  • While I'm not currently pregnant, I do have 3 children. My track coach put me on a lifting program when I was in high school to try and help me gain strength (I threw discus) and I have been lifting ever since (almost 20 years). I lifted while pregnant with all of my children until the day I delivered. Some days are more…
  • You could be writing this post about me :) I also weigh 153, lift 4 days per week and am training for a race (mine is running, ragnar relay to be specific). My pre-pg with my oldest was 140, so hopefully at some point I'll get back there. In the mean time, I'm concentrating more on body comp rather than the scale, so I…
  • I would make sure first and foremost you're running in appropriate shoes for you. You don't have to buy them at the store, note what they recommend for you and you can alwasy look online for cheaper alternatives. I will sometimes even buy last years model to keep cost down since I'm replacing my shoes so frequently if I…
  • Did you get properly fitted for these at a specialty running store? I would start with your shoes.