

  • New Folks. I'm new here as well, but my purpose for joining is quite different. It's to help people lose weight. I was a thin kid, fairly built in High School. Then as I got older, started slowly putting on weight. I'm 5' 9" and when I hit 240lbs 39% Body Fat, I was having trouble sleeping, getting out of breath, asthma…
  • @wikumpf - Try this; Almond Milk - 1 cup soaked almonds (For 2 hours, then rinse well). 4 cups filtered water. Blend well, then run through a strainer. for creamer, use a 1:2 ratio of almonds to water. Agave Nectar is a sweet syrup from the Agave plant. (Where tequila comes from). Use the clear variety over the brown ones.…
  • My advise\stance on this is; If there are so many reports supporting both sides, is it even worth the risk? Especially when there are so many healthy, natural alternatives? Also, don't think for a second that the FDA are angels, and will protect us. If you do, then you're nieve. For the rest of you reading this thread,…
  • Ever thought about drinking green tea, or even matcha with no sweetner? If you need a sweetner, best options are Agave Nectar, Palm Sugar (I.e. From Coconut Trees), or Dates Sugar (RAW, Dehydrated, then ground) Very sweet, nutritious, and packed with energy. I've lost 110 lbs in 6 months, and did so in a healthy manner…