New Folks. I'm new here as well, but my purpose for joining is quite different. It's to help people lose weight. I was a thin kid, fairly built in High School. Then as I got older, started slowly putting on weight. I'm 5' 9" and when I hit 240lbs 39% Body Fat, I was having trouble sleeping, getting out of breath, asthma…
@wikumpf - Try this; Almond Milk - 1 cup soaked almonds (For 2 hours, then rinse well). 4 cups filtered water. Blend well, then run through a strainer. for creamer, use a 1:2 ratio of almonds to water. Agave Nectar is a sweet syrup from the Agave plant. (Where tequila comes from). Use the clear variety over the brown ones.…
My advise\stance on this is; If there are so many reports supporting both sides, is it even worth the risk? Especially when there are so many healthy, natural alternatives? Also, don't think for a second that the FDA are angels, and will protect us. If you do, then you're nieve. For the rest of you reading this thread,…
Ever thought about drinking green tea, or even matcha with no sweetner? If you need a sweetner, best options are Agave Nectar, Palm Sugar (I.e. From Coconut Trees), or Dates Sugar (RAW, Dehydrated, then ground) Very sweet, nutritious, and packed with energy. I've lost 110 lbs in 6 months, and did so in a healthy manner…