

  • I don't think this site is accurate. It says I should eat around 1300 calories and I usually eat between 1800-2000. I recommend eating 5-6 meals a day consisting of 300-400 calories.
  • I totally disagree! I suggest maybe adding in a couple days of resistance/ weight training. Building some muscle will help reduce fat.
  • You might have some extra water weight from adding in weight training. Take a deep breath.......and relax. Muscle weights more than fat. Do you take measurements? The scale doesn't always tell the truth.
  • I disagree. One meal isn't going to undo all the hard work you did all week. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • I had it not too long ago and it was on a thin crispy crust. I think they botched your order.
  • Welcome from NC!!:smile:
  • I did the entire 90 days barefoot. I never had any problems with my feet or ankles. Now I am doing Insanity and again I am barefoot!
  • I highly recommend the Beachbody Recovery Drink. It really does help with the soreness.....and is quite tasty! However, if you don't want to spend the money on it you can substitute with low fat or fat free chocolate milk. It has the same carb/fat/protein ratio that will help rebuild your glycogen levels. Hang in there.…
  • You're right Pannellkat, I shouldn't have used the word "never". The changes will be slow if you don't eat enough. Just as weaklink109 said your body will go into starvation mode and try to 'hold on' to any food you eat.
  • I was eating around 1200 calories a day and working out 6 days a week. I saw no changes in my weight. I recently upped my caloreis to around 1400 a day and have starting seeing changes on the scale. If you don't eat enough calories you will never see a change. Try upping them about 100 calories at a time and see how it…
  • My tip is low fat or fat free chocolate milk! The protein/fat/carb ratio helps restore the glycogen in your muscles to help with soreness. Push play and bring it!
  • There is one called Core Synergistics. It works out your entire core. You could preview it to check out the moves and see if that is one you could use to help strengthen your core.
  • Before I started P90X I found out I had scoliosis (S-shaped). I was taking aspirin every night just to sleep and deal with the muscle spasms I would have. Since I have started I have only taken aspirin a few time. I am 12 days from finishing it and being a P90X grad. It has helped me strengthen my core to include my lower…
  • HaHa...only if you feel like dealing with all the traffic!
  • I am in Jacksonville, NC. I lived in Fayetteville for 3 years while I was in the Army.
  • I love Shakeology! If you feel the urge to snack after dinner I would try eating some nuts, veggies or a piece of fruit. It's not entirely bad if you snack after dinner if you make smart choices. I buy 100 Cal packets of almonds and I eat those if I am hungry after dinner. It helps me with portion control as well.
  • Chicken, fish, veggies and turkey are some good foods to help you increase your calories and keep your carbs down. By the way...Congrats on making it to day 40!! A lot of people don't make it past the first week. You should be proud of your self for sticking with it.
  • I don't know how tall you are or what you currently weight so i'm not sure how many calories you should be consuming. I try to eat around 1500-1600 a day myself. I would just go by how you feel during the workouts. If you feel tired and don't have enough energy I would try adding 100 calories a day until you feel better.…
  • It's better to go by the inches that you lose rather than weight. I am assuming you are a female? If so, you will see your biggest changes in the last 30 days. I am currently on day 69 and I have dropped one pant size. As of day 60 I have lost a total of 11.5 inches and 6 pounds. Hang in there and you will see the results…
  • I must have missed seeing them. I will have to go back and rewatch it online. I've heard that even though Jillian has her own show now she will still be doing BL.
  • Amanda looked great! I wish she would have won but I knew she didn't stand a chance against the two guys. Rebecca needs to go back to brunnette. I didn't like her dress or makeup. I'm glad she won the at home prize. I really don't see Daniel and her lasting. They just don't match. I think Daniel could have done more, I was…
  • I was also waiting for Erik to pop out on stage last night. I don't recall seeing ANY past BL's in the audience either. Any comments on what Jillian was wearing? I think if she would have gone with some dark blue jeans instead of the black things she was wearing she would have looked A LOT better. The all black just wasn't…
  • Amanda looked great! I wish she would have won but I knew she didn't stand a chance against the two guys. Rebecca needs to go back to brunnette. I didn't like her dress or makeup. I'm glad she won the at home prize. I really don't see Daniel and her lasting. They just don't match. I think Daniel could have done more, I was…
  • What show did you watch them on?
  • Sounds like you need to add some more protein to you diet.
  • I just found them today too! They were so good. The perfect snack!
  • What are your goals? This will help determine which program is better for you.
  • I love P90X! I am almost done with my first round. I have lost a total of 11.5 inches in 60 days. I haven't bulked up but I can definitely see some muscle starting to poke through the fat. There are different versions of P90X, lean, classic, and doubles. The lean version has an extra day of cardio, whereas the classic…
  • I watched it too. I agree that the last two seasons haven't been as good as the previous ones. I have alot of respect for Matt Hoover for doing the IronMan. There are alot of extremely fit people that are too scared to even attempt it. I'm also not surprised most of the previous contestants have gained weight. Most of them…
  • I was rooting for Rebecca to win. I knew as soon as I saw it was her and Liz below the yellow line what was going to happen. I agree that Rudy has changed. He was real quiet the first 6 weeks or so, now he's mean and coniving. Amanda needs to make sure she wins the challenge next week. It's her against the three 'older'…