AmieCrawford Member


  • That is exactly what I do, protein saves me during that week.
  • I have recently been feeling the way you so eloquently stated... Our bodies are truly temples that God has entrusted us with, I started eating mostly fruits and veggies and tried to stay away from processed foods as much as possible and have found it really difficult to do on the go... My best advice is the baby carrots…
  • Now that I have a scale at home, I weigh all the time :) Like 3-4 times a day, totally unhealthy for some people, but I find it very helpful in understanding what affects my body and how. It helps for me to see that 3-4 lbs can be lost and gained throughout the day and recognize each bite I take in how it will affect my…
  • I am at 26lbs now and other than needing new clothes (yayyy), I found that I had to remind myself I have so far to go.... My goal is over 100 and I have to remind myself to not enjoy these few changes right now and keep pushing as hard as I have been, I feel like my reward should be a rest and I have to constantly fight…
  • I set a goal for myself that I liked 55lbs for arms and 100 lbs for legs and I have just been working on getting my reps up. I am up to two sets of 12-15 for arms (depending on machine) and 3 sets of 20 on legs. I think I am about to bump up the legs, considering they carry around my 200 lbs everyday :)
  • I agree!! Also, I love it when my friends share their diaries, it helps to seem that I am not the only on indulging when my calories allow.
  • I am also always over in my sugar column. I mean one apple or one banana with other regular food with knock it out! I feel like it is a lot better to just make sure they are fruits and juices, not candy or sweets.
  • Mine came when I realized my 10 year reunion was coming and that I wanted to be smaller at that than when I graduated---but there was no way (even at 2 lbs a week). I realized then that (like everyone else's reasons-tired of being physically unable, unattractive, etc.), I wasn't doing what was right for my body or my own…
  • I know exactly what you mean. I am at my heaviest now and I am so tired of being tired at just 27. I should be in the best shape of my life, but find myself (at what will now be) the worst--never to be seen again !!! :)