Mezzie1024 Member


  • You're absolutely fine. Now if you had a ridiculous deficit and were weight training on, say, 600 net calories/day, I could see where your friend was coming from... but then just about any activity in such a situation would lead to injury/passing out/loss of hair, etc.
  • I did it because everyone kept telling me it would help me with my chronic pain. I went in skeptical, but I was also desperate, so I adhered to the rules plus a few more from AIP. Absolutely nothing happened. It wasn't torture or anything -- I love fruits and vegetables, and I made up a pretty delicious sweet potato recipe…
  • I'm 5'5", 125 pounds, and lose on 1400 net calories. You can absolutely eat much, much more. Yes, it will be a lttle slower, but it will also be easier to stick to, so your chances of success greatly increase. Plus, your mood will improve and you'll have more energy. 1800/day, as mentioned above, sounds like a great place…
  • That's my maintenance range at 5'5". :) I'm recovering from an injury right now, but if not for that, I'd be doing lifting 3x/week and yoga 3x/week plus any other activity that is fun and eating anywhere from 1500-2000 depending on that activity and where I am within my weight range.
  • I agree with the above -- any teacher of any kind should be doing their best to make their students independent. You might try a written program as a guide. People around here like Stronglifts, for example.
  • I love carbs. They're delicious and give me energy. ❤️
  • We actually never had a food scale in our house until my husband went to culinary school and it was impressed upon him how important it was to use that in baking rather than cups.
  • It sounds like you did well considering the circumstances. I'm sorry for your loss.
  • I weigh daily for reasons already listed above.
  • I second yoga. It's a great compliment to dancing, and there's a lot of upper body work involved.
  • I like lowfat Greek yogurt, but that's it -- everything else has to be full fat or it completely turns my stomach. Like others said, I find 1/4 cup of rich ice cream infinitely more satisfying than a pint of something low-fat. My husband had me taste his Halo Top without telling me what it was, and I almost spit it out. I…
  • I recently took a full-on break for two weeks. No logging, and I ate whatever I wanted. Some days that was a lot, some days it wasn't. The great thing was my energy went way up and I got a ton of exercise in. At the end of those two weeks, I weighed the same as when I began. My lesson from that: I was underestimating my…
  • New exercise generally leads to water retention which, in my experience, can hang on for a week or two. Just keep plugging along and all should be fine as long as you're weighing and measuring everything you eat and are actually consuming around the number of calories you think you are. Another thing to keep in mind is…
  • OP, we're practically the same size (same height; I'm currently 125). Losing is slow at our size and 1500 calories, but it does happen. It really just takes patience and consistency. I like being 120, and I could get there in a month if I were willing to drop my calories to 1300, but I'm not, so it's going to take 2-3…
  • I took a two week break and feel better for it. I stayed the same weight (with several ups and downs, of course).
  • 5 pounds. I'm on the highest end of my maintenance range and would like to get to the lower end before the holidays (when I will go back up :p ).
  • That's been me my entire adult life. The most I've ever been above my ideal weight it 12 pounds, and that was well within a healthy weight, still. I consider myself pretty good at weight loss because, every few years, I need to lose a little to fit into my jeans comfortably again. Being so close to my goal means I have to…
  • I'm not a fan of afternoon workouts for the same reason (plus, I tend to have less energy in the afternoon), but my school schedule this year means that will be my only option. I think the hardest part will be the first two weeks; after that, it should be routine. (I hope!)
  • The age range has been pretty inclusive every time I've gone; if anything, it tends towards 40 and under. I think I get most of my exercise in those classes from laughing at my lack of ability to do anything right underwater. :p They're fun!
  • I know this thread has gone a bunch of different directions, but I'm still stuck on the doctor saying to lift less. Barring unrevealed joint/muscle/tendon issues, that is simply bizarre. I could understand if the doctor said to add more cardio to your routine to burn more calories, but not at the expense of resistance…
  • Degrees/specializations aren't among the things shared in a marriage. I'd love to see my husband try to do my job (or vice versa)! :lol:
  • Have a little bit less cheese? Personally, I love most steamed veggies with red wine vinegar. That's how I had it growing up, and nothing else will do.
    in HELP Comment by Mezzie1024 August 2017
  • Because my husband and I have very different schedules and dietary needs (I have allergies; he's bulking), we each get the exact same amount of money for food each week and are responsible for our own meals. That may not work for everyone, but it works for us. Considering you mentioned that this is financially strenuous,…
  • Sounds about right to me. Give it two to four weeks and then adjust as needed. :)
  • The restaurant we go to for this is SO expensive. I think you may have convinced me to invest in a hot pot!
  • I rarely take out my juicer because it's such a pain to clean, but carrot apple spinach ginger juice is worth the trouble sometimes. Yum! Mostly I like eating my fruits and veggies, but on a hot day, fresh juice can be really refreshing. As far as why I got it... I really like ginger in juice and wanted to control the…
  • Getting into a handstand is one of my goals. I'm starting out super weak, so it may take a long while.
  • There is no way I would exercise while on a muscle relaxer. I have had to take one occasionally, though. My limbs feel like overcooked spaghetti on it. As far as tight muscles go, stretching often is a good start, but how and what you stretch is pretty important. What is your routine? Do you do any rolling? I find yoga 3-4…
  • Carbs give me the energy I need to do the things I love to do. I love them. Apparently I love fat just a bit more, according to my little pie chart, but I hit my protein goal, and everything else falls where it does.
  • I work in a public school and get the flu shot. I didn't when I was young and had a killer immune system, but that's not me anymore. I got the flu super early one year (before the vaccines were readily available), and it was truly awful. I wasn't going to get the vaccine that year since I'd already had the flu, but my…