acmanna Member


  • I often drink them for breakfast during the week. There is nothing wrong with having a shake, sometimes I add fresh fruit to mine. For me, they are quick, tasty and filling. I try my best to count my calories so that is what I will say is the reason I'm losing weight, not the shakes. If you like them, if they fit into your…
  • You can do it! It is great that you are already working out! I suggest buying a food scale, weigh and log everything that you eat. Find ways to include the foods you love into your calorie goals. Stay committed to yourself and learn new and lasting habits. Many of us have been in or still am in your shoes, I promise it…
  • What is a water diet? There is nothing wrong with drinking a diet coke. If you enjoy it, drink one, just learn to drink in moderation. Losing weight is all about consuming less calories than you burn off. I suggest learning how to fit the things you love into your calorie goals, that way, you don't have to suffer through…
    in Diet soda Comment by acmanna August 2015
  • The only food I stay away from is oranges-because I'm allergic. MFP is all about learning portion control and counting calories. Unless you have a medical reason, fruit is good for you! I suggest a buying a food scale, weigh and measure your foods. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit, that doesn't mean that…
  • I said no to cheesecake and a box of chocolates that my mother in law gave me. Maybe later this week, but I'm trying to start my Monday off right.
  • If you know that you are going to eat something while there, just plan for it in your day. I generally have to have 1 "treat" a day, like chocolate etc. Instead of a full pastry have half, or tell yourself that you will take it home with you and then if you can wait your whole shift without it, you probably won't want it.…
  • Don't go to the store hungry especially since you are just one person. Always go through sales ads and have a grocery list. Make sure to buy spices because you don't want bland food and don't be afraid to try new recipes. Find a few flower pots at garage sales and grow some herbs. Having a food scale is very important,…
  • My American one says 160 (I was around 180 when I got it) and I'm 150 now! My German one doesn't have any weight on it
  • You probably won't be the biggest or most out of shape. When I went to group classes there were people of all ages, sizes, and fitness levels in there. Everyone was friendly and trust one is looking at you while working out. They are trying to focus on the steps in the class. I'm as shy as they come but then I went…
  • Maybe some sort of pool aerobics would be good, you don't need to know how to swim for them.
  • Move slower and don't try to do too much too fast. You don't have to keep up with their pace on FB. I would try their level 2 or 3 low impact cardio workouts. It takes a bit of time to build up endurance, keep at it though! I have been using fitnessblender for a few months and there are still some exercises I struggle…
  • Are you using/weighing things like butter or oil while cooking? Your food diary has very even numbers for things, are you weighing portions and entering the correct weight on MFP? Also, when you eat avocados the entry you use has no weight. I think there are probably a few steps to be better with your logging. I can't make…
  • Opening your food diary might give us some more insight. If you are weighing everything, are you picking out generic entries in the data base? What weight loss goal per week did you set? Having just 10 pounds to lose can take a while but is totally doable. Also, sometimes weight loss isn't always linear, if it has only…
  • Are you weighing and logging your food accurately?
  • What a gift you gave someone and glad you are recovering well. A calorie deficit will be the way to lose extra fat, you can't spot reduce. For the core, planks, leg lifts, russian twists are a few of my go to.
  • Try You can choose from various different workouts, level 1 and 2 will be the easiest. Don't get discouraged, if you can't do something modify it, try it again until you can do it. Start lifting weights, start small, work your way up. a good sports bra, expensive yes, but worth the money!
  • Buy a food scale, don't stress yourself out, weight loss isn't always linear, it is all about calories in vs out, don't give up foods you love
    in Advice Comment by acmanna February 2015
  • Yep, totally normal just be patient. If you are accurately logging your food, it could be time of the month, had a little too much sodium, muscles retaining water etc. Just give it some time, you will have weeks like this. Usually you will lose a bit extra the next week if you keep on track with your calories. No need to…
  • Maybe they are jealous? You are within a healthy weight range, you should be happy and proud of yourself. Maybe try sitting down with your mom to tell her how you feel.
  • I would stay with them the first few times especially. If they are too slow and you go too fast they might get discouraged. If they are too fast and you can't keep up then tell them. Keep some of your runs to yourself, they are teenagers so I assume that they are gotten going to be too busy to run every time. Have fun and…
  • I tried looking but it keeps saying incorrect password
  • This might work for you but I would say a food scale is a lot better, after some time using it you can better guesstimate your food weight if needed. It has helped me learn a good bit about portions.
  • Man..a beach...I miss the warm weather so much! =( Ok now that you know how jealous I am, I wish you all the best! I also somewhat recently moved to a new country job less at the moment. (Or a house wife, but am ready to work again). On a positive note, I have also had the opportunity to really focus on myself and…
  • load up on veggies, lean protein and other low calorie foods. Right now I have a huge pot of chicken and veggie noodle soup going. In total it is 622 calories but it is a huge pot (I'm sick). I will probably end up having it for lunch and dinner. Roast veggies, have stir-fry with little or no rice (if you need to save on…
  • Go enjoy your birthday! But still log your food. It isn't a big deal if you go back up a little bit in weight for a day or will come back down...don't worry. Happy Birthday!
  • Hey Janna, I'm Anna.. Welcome to MFP! Wishing you all the success! Here are a few good tips: It is all about calories in vs calories out Buy a food scale, and try to weigh/log will really help Eat foods you like, you don't have to give up any of them to lose weight, just eat less of them Be patient, the…
  • They are just using it as an excuse. I sure as heck didn't grow up knowing how to eat properly but at the end of the day I was overweight because I ate too much. They are obese because they eat too much. Be happy and proud of yourself for taking care of your body, they are most likely jealous.
  • For weight loss it is all about calories, fat won't make you fat. So if you are still under your goal that is a win! You are allowed to have yummy foods while eating a deficit!
  • I try to look at similar things in the database and use a best guess. It can be really hard but I know that the frozen rolls I buy are 160 calories, so if it is the same size at the fresh bakery I will log it like that. If it is a bigger meal I try to go ingredient by ingredient and log it, then add some extra for wiggle…