

  • Have you ever considered looking into a boot camp class? They sound and look very intimidating but if you get into the right kind of class with the right instructors they aren't at all. Like you, I really struggle to stay motivated to work out on my own. I might be able to get to the gym on a regular basis but I would…
  • I just started going to boot camp classes a few weeks ago. Exercise is not something that I have ever "loved". I've never been able to sustain an exercise program for an extended period of time (more than a few months). My problem has always been when I try to work out on my own, it is too easy for me to get tired or sore…
  • When thing I would like to add that I haven't seen anybody make a comment on (admittedly I skipped several pages of posts) is that the assumption of this thread seems to be that Subway advertises exclusively to the healthy market. That simply is not true. For every 6 subs with 6 grams of fat or less commercial you see, a…
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