

  • I would like to try this!! Count me in :)
  • I have a trainer, and she told be that the best Cardio exercise you can do is the elliptical as it is easy on your joints and resembles running. To make it a harder cardio workout, she told me to put it on a setting that was hard but not too hard, them do a 5 minute warm up and then I give it my all for 30 seconds then you…
  • Hello!! My name is Corinne and I am 20 years old. I live in Fort St. John and I work at an Equipment Company. My long term goal is to loose a total of 100lbs, I weight 227 now and I am 5'2". My short term goal is to lose 20lbs for Christmas. I really like the idea of losing 40lbs for Valentines day as this will be my first…