

  • I really like the P90 dvds. Original not P90X. Also Tae Bo (although I haven't done this one in quite a while), and Zumba II on wii.
  • dragonbug300 - Great idea! I was wondering what to do with the stems. Seems so wasteful to just throw them away.
  • I have an Omron, too, and I'm very happy with it.
  • I made these yesterday for breakfast. Loved them! I modified the recipe a little. Used 1 egg in place of 3 egg whites and added 1/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats. Blended all the ingredients together and then cooked them like regular pancakes. I ended up with 4 mini pancakes. So good!
  • I have trouble with that, too. I recently started planning my meals and snacks out ahead of time and preparing everything the night before. Its working so far. I also stop eating at around 7 or 8 at night, and chewing gum or taking my dog for a walk also helps.