4themoney Member


  • I would say give it a little more time. try a doubles friday. if you have to modify T25 you have room for improvement. i don't know that you can use sweat as a measuring tool for it being effective or not. i challenged myself to lose 20 inches in 37 days using T25 and i ended up losing 17.5 inches..... Beta is different…
  • it was featured in oxygen magazine too!!! which is awesome!! I loved Tony Horton, and I loved p90x, except for the length of the work outs. this is perfect for me, because 30 min is usually about all i have to get a work out in! I just finished 6 mo of T25, so this is a really nice change for me. getting back to my roots…
  • If you look at my profile pic, that is from Sept to Dec. I started Focus T25 in July. I have other before and afters from earlier in 2013, but these two were in almost identical clothing.
  • I started on jan 4. i think it's pretty awesome so far. we had a 9 hour class on Jan 4 and learned SO STINKIN much!!! they said it's 8 hours of work each week for 8 weeks, and then we have another 9 hour class before the exam. i love the way the book is written, but then again i am a nurse, so the A and P and pathophys…
    in NASM Comment by 4themoney January 2014
  • i did T25 from july until this past weekend! Over the holidays, i challenged myself to lose 20 inches in 30 days doing T25 and shakeology . I ended up losing 17 inches in 37 days. not too bad though! my profile pic here was from using T25 and Shakeology from sept to dec. and I wasn't as dedicated with the work outs as I…
  • i was laughing so hard during that 3.4 run? i can't recall all of the names.... too many. and at the end, the comments Tony was making about the gym.... so stinkin' funny! i made a youtube video about the work out because i thought it was so awesome. 30 flies when you're having fun ;-)
  • i didn't read the whole thread. i've been single for several years now. In 2013, i think i had like maybe 5-6 dates total! it was a great year though!!! i got serious about health, nutrition and fitness. I started my own company. got myself some husky puppies to keep me busy, and boy have they EVER!!!! made a TON of…
  • Hey! i just posted looking for people that are doing it! I'm on day 3 today and I have to say I fell in love with day 2 yesterday. Probably the most fun I've had in a work out in a LONG TIME and to top it all off, my butt hurts like CRAZY today, which makes me love x3 even more! today is x3 yoga, and when I did p90x i used…
  • i didn't read the million of other posts, but i spent enough time in maternity, L and D, nursery and the NICU and one fact you cant' really dispute is that the uterus takes time to go back down behind the pelvis. at 4 days it might be half way there, but it's still UP. UNLESS her abs are sewn together and physically cannot…
  • what makes it fun? it's super fast and over before you know it. you know you're getting your butt kicked, but you watch the clock count down and push yourself to do better than the day before. theBEST part, is that you see results FAST!!!! 25 min 5 days a week and the changes in just 5 weeks are crazy. i have friends that…
  • this is an old thread, but i was actually thinking about this myself recently. in the past couple of months i have seen LOADS of people move in together, get engaged, get married, etc. and there i sit, still on the fence. i GET it, but it's not something i've been convinced I need to do. i know two couples who met in may…
  • THIS! ignore BMI! total sham!
    in BMI Comment by 4themoney August 2013
  • THIS IS AN ISSUE! You need to find a way to balance bringing someone into your world, while not losing yourself in the process. If you know you are prone to giving men too much power over you, you need to stop dating and work on yourself for a bit. Nothing will change in that department until you figure out WHY you do this…
  • I don't know how to post pics in the actual thread, but my profile pic is updated as of today. this is 4 weeks difference, and i have two days left of Alpha. Monday will start Beta. I will have my final Alpha stats on Sunday or Monday morning! :-)
  • we do exist! i consider myself well rounded in the "likes" department, and i'm very flexible on couples activities. you don't have to get a bunch of cats, just keep looking for the right girl!!
  • ALWAYS!! too funny! :-)
  • this sounds like a solid plan!
  • or, you can decide to let all of your walls fall and be wild and crazy and willing to try anything, just because it would be fun to!! ;-) LOL!!!
  • i guess i never really thought of drinking as a hobby :-) i love being around my friends when they're drunk because then they finally act like me, LOL! only i get to be the responsible and in control one that makes sure everyone gets home safely :-) i can understand that desire to spend time together doing the same hobbies…
  • it's not a contradiction. i can count on ONE hand the number of times i have had alcohol of any kind in the past 13 years. one was some wine with a girlfriend that had just moved back to the states. one was with girlfriends ( and their hubbies) when we got snowed in back in 2009. and one was with a girlfriend a couple…
  • great job!! keep it up!! total body is my only real nemesis in T25. my left wrist just won't let me do that many push ups and planks at one time in a row :-( it's annoying.
  • yeah, the guys that i have met that barely or never drink are really into training and fitness, or coaching, and want to set the best example they can. i think i was only asked once if i was a member of AA. In my experience, once a guy gets comfortable with me, or goes out on a couple dates with me, they realize why me NOT…
  • regardless of whether you trust him or not, you are investing WAY too much time, energy, and emotion into a guy that is NOT your boyfriend. end of story. so, either choose to trust him that he's telling the truth and continue to live your life like he's just a guy you know, with a broken phone, who is in europe. OR, choose…
  • just read the whole tread :-) ok, an example i have is from last year. we spoke on the phone several times before we met and the conversations were good. in my opinion, we clicked. we had a lunch date as our first date. dinner and movie for the second. and movie for the third. he told me he wanted to see where this was…
  • i didn't read the entire thread, just your original post. my initial feelings are either he's still married, separated, or dating someone ( but it might not be going well). have you spoken to him on the phone, at all? or just by text? i have found that the guys that are just texters, usually are not actually single and…
  • i don't know what kinds of Baptists they are. there is one HUGE baptist church in our town, and i've seen plenty of their members drunk, drinking, out at the wineries, bars, etc. i was with a friend yesterday who goes there and she drank almost an entire bottle of wine by herself! so, yeah, i don't know. this town is my…
  • i don't really worry about what others are doing, that's their business. i do worry about myself and my kids, that's about it. "hooking up" isn't for me. i am very comfortable with myself, body, sexuality, etc. i just don't have the desire to "hook up" with someone, or randoms, or a friend :-) it's just not me.
  • probably!! ;-)
  • i know loads of baptists that get TANKED often! i've seen some of the women get so drunk at neighborhood parties they start FLASHING the crowd! the baptists i know are some of the heaviest drinkers i know, LOL!
  • i stopped drinking years ago. like 2000. some stuff went down with my ex and it was ugly so I refused to ever drink around him again. then i got pregnant and had babies for a couple of years. the ONLY times i have had any kind of drink since 2000 was around girlfriends that i KNEW i could trust. i have refused to drink…