carolynH5 Member


  • You said what I've been thinking. I did really well at first and then fell off the wagon. back on now and looking forward to dropping some more weight before swim suit season. Good luck!
  • LOL. It was actually linked from the MFP site...about 5 things you should never eat. They make you sit through a long video and then want you to pay $97 to join. Just wondering if anyone had tried it.
  • My trick to avoid excess alcohol: since I only drink red wine and that should be at room temp, I keep it in the fridge and pour 1 glass when I get home from work. The rest of the bottle gets re-corked and goes right back in the fridge. By the time dinner is ready, my wine has come up to room temp. This keeps me from…
  • Are you really all losing weight just to make other people happy and to hear their comments? This is a personal journey and the only person that needs to be noticing and commenting is YOU