

  • Yes, this is my first time doing Insanity. Thank you for the info! I was really worried I did something wrong. I've never had a really string core I was always skinny "fat" and now I'm trying to get back into shape after my three back-to-back babies so I'm going to venture a guess and say it's non existent at this point!…
  • Hi! I'm Cassie from California. I am currently 159!
  • Anyone have some back soreness with insanity? Maybe I did something wrong, but my middle back has been killing me all day! Though, the stretch out after hip hop abs made it feel better! Maybe I need to do some yoga...
  • I'm so glad I found this thread! My husband and I are doing the fit test tonight (we were supposed to start last night, but he came home with a migraine). You guys make it seem like it is doable, I was afraid I would just up and die while trying to do it ;).
  • Hi! I'm Cassie from CA. I am a SAHM to 3 kids. I currently way 159 and my goal is 130, I am 5'6. I am excited about this challenge and to finally shed the back-to-back baby weight. I had a good run losing the weight from jan to may but then slacked off completely! Can't wait to start! Is anyone doing Insanity? I'm starting…